Sunday, July 15, 2012

Generation gap??

It has been a long time since I have done a post on anything philosophical (or ranting) as I guess I have been too busy to think about other things but today thoughts of differences in living standards and values has been on my mind. Maybe I am just too old and the “generation gap” really exists but it seems that things are done very differently today.

Years ago, a person’s word was their bond. Huge deals for millions in monetary value were sealed with a handshake and people/companies kept their promises.

Now, none of that exists. My greatest beef is with the people and top companies who, with every advert, spout words like “environmentally friendly” “echo friendly” “free range” “green” “save the environment” and yet when push comes to shove NONE of them actually DO anything about it except charge you double the price for items with those labels.

Are any of them actually trying to educate the ordinary Joe on the street as to what those words mean? The answer is an unequivocal NO. They will rather offer millions as a prize for a race on foot or bike, a rugby or cricket match than spend one cent on environmental education. What a crock!!!! How two-faced of them!!!!!!

And what a pity too that they cannot put their money where their mouth is and live up to what they spout as buzzwords in order for us to think them “good people/companies”. It makes me sick!!!!!!!!!!! And YES, this post is aimed at all our top companies ...... do you need me to name them? Just check out every advertisement and you will know who I mean!!!!!