Friday, March 29, 2013

Angulate Tortoise (Chersina angulata)

Family Testudinidae
 This is the only Angulate tortoise we have and is endemic to South Africa.
 It is unusual in that it has a single protecting gular shield where all other land tortoise have a pair. In male-on male fights, this is used as a battering ram and to overturn the opponent.
The shell length is 30cm and they weight about 2kg. It lives for 32 years in captivity.
 It is found along the Western Cape coastal regions and slightly inland and seen in a wide variety of vegetation types ranging from semi-desert to fynbos and succulent Karoo thicket.
 Females lay several single clutches of eggs per year in ground softened by rain or urine. Incubation varies between 3-7 months depending on the temperature.
Info: A Guide to the Reptiles of Southern Africa (Johan Marais & Graham Alexander)


  1. I really like tortoises, this one is particularly pretty. Hope your Easter is a god one, Diane

  2. Hi Joan, I'm so glad to be able to comment on your site again. I had a wonderful meeting with Gaelyn last month. Hope you're keeping well. Kind regards. Jo

  3. Absolutely loved these tortoises. As long as they didn't pee on me. ;)

  4. Hello Jo. Lovely to hear from you. Whish I could have been with Gaelyn to meet you too. Maybe next time when I am up your way. Best wishes, Joan

  5. It stinks too Gaelyn and if it gets on your clothes, never seems to wash out. But now you know the trick of how to handle them. :)

  6. Oh, I love tortoises! :)
    Greetings from Poland!

  7. Greeting Iza. Nice to have you visiting and joining. We have some lovely species of tortoise here and I think this one is the nicest.
