Sunday, March 17, 2013

Whiteheaded Vulture

They have a body length of 78-82cm and males a wingspan of 202-220cm.
 They are not found anywhere else in SA except for the KNP area where they are seen in pairs or solitary.

The females lay only one egg per season with an incubation period of about 55 days.

 Although they are carrion eaters, they will also eats hares, francolin, lizards etc. This one was feeding on the carcass of an Impala.


  1. They are not exactly beautiful, but such interesting birds and very useful clearing up the countryside. Have a good day, Diane

  2. You are allowing comments again.. hope all is well your way.. Michelle

  3. Hello Michelle. WOnderful to hear from you!! Yes, I think I have finally got rid of that pest who was bothering me. I have retired and am living my dream work doing nature education. Love every minute of it.
