Saturday, April 20, 2013

Greenbacked Heron

These herons are smallish with a body length of about 41cm

They are found in scattered places throughout South Africa but mostly in the central to northern areas and along the east coast.
 Their preferred habitat is dense vegetated rivers and streams, ponds and lakes.

They are normally seen on their own as they are shy and nocturnal.

Food consists of frogs, small reptiles, insects, crustaceans, spiders and molluscs.

Info: Robert’s Birds of Southern Africa


  1. Great photos and interesting bird. I also just checked them out in my Roberts. I have two Roberts, a very old edition and even older one! Have a good weekend Diane

  2. Mine is about 35 years old too but I am never without it. :)

  3. Great captures of this gorgeous bird!

  4. Thanks Jose. I managed to capture him fishing on video. Need to process it soon. :)

  5. The one we saw fishing was so cool.
