Thursday, April 4, 2013

Vervet Monkey (Cercopithecus pygerythrus)

They will eat almost anything including seeds, lizards, grass and berries.

For protection, they will sleep in the tops of trees at night as the thin branches prevents predators from getting near them.
 Vervets are preyed upon by leopard and certain of the larger species of eagle.

These are the only species of resident monkey found in the Kruger National Park.

Just like certain other species, they will use pouches in their cheeks for storing food.

 These monkeys cannot be confused with the many Chacma baboons found in the same areas. Vervets are much smaller, have a general light grey colouring with a black face and a black-tipped tail.
.They are very social and so the size of the troop can vary according to the area, but usually about twenty are found in a troop.

After a seven month gestation period, usually they give birth to a single young, but on rare occasions they have been known to have twins.

They can become very agitated at the approach of any danger, jumping from tree to tree or hopping about from branch to branch. This pattern of agitation also serves as a warning to the other animals in the area of approaching danger.

Unlike many other species of monkey, their tails cannot be used as an aid for swinging amongst the branches.


  1. That bottom photo looks like there is a nasty wound on its arm. I remember what thieves they were when having tea and cakes at Victoria falls. Their little arms used to appear from under the table and your food was gone in a second. LOL. Have a good day. Diane

  2. Joan, your post brought back memories of my beautiful African bush garden in the Great Rift Valley. The vervet monkeys were quite a pest there but I loved watching them. Nothing survived in the garden: pawpaws, guavas, bananas and if you didn't have screen doors, they came inside to see what they could steal! Still I loved watching and photographing them. Interesting fact about their tails - I didn't know this! Thanks for ID'ing my grasshopper. Have a great day, Greetings, Jo

  3. So nice to see this. Thank you so much for sharing.

  4. They really are quite cute and fun to watch, but also watch your food.

  5. It is a wound Diane and as they are sometimes prone to squabbling, I have no idea where it came from.

    They sure are thieves. Here in this camp, one dare not leave a single thing out. No sooner have you turned around, then it is gone. :)

  6. You are welcome Jo. No garden is safe from them. When I worked at the lodge we tried all kinds of things to keep them away from the vegetables but nothing worked. :)

    You are welcome for the id.

  7. Hi Linda. Thanks for the comment. These monkeys are naughty but interesting to watch. :)

  8. LOL!! I am wise to them Gaelyn and lock everything edible up in the car for that "just in case." :)
