Monday, May 27, 2013

My new sleeping companion

Meet my new sleeping companion. I must admit that he would not be my ideal choice as partners go but then I did not have much to say about the matter, he just crept in while I was sleeping and I found him here in the morning. LOL!! Anybody want to change places with me? LOL!!
 This is one of the largest Rain/Huntsman spiders (Family Sparassidae) we have, about as big as my open hand.
The females are much larger than the males and build a huge nest which is wrapped with leaves.
 This nest is about 40cm (16”) in length and at least 20cm (8”) in diameter.


  1. Seems you could choose a better sleeping partner. Can't these really put a bite on you?

  2. Hectic. I just had a shiver down my spine just thinking about it
