Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Tawny Eagle

Family Accipitridae
They are large with a body length of about 65-72 cm.

They have a great colour variation depending on their age and moult up to 7 times before adulthood.
 A common eagle in its region which extends over most of South Africa except for the central and Cape and western Cape areas.

Usually solitary, they are sometimes seen together with others.
 Food consist of mainly small mammals but they will eat off carrion and rob other birds of their food. Included are also reptiles, frogs, fish and insects.

The females usually lays two eggs which both parents feed during their 11-12 week nestling stage.
 There I go again trying to take pictures of birds in flight when I know I don't have the right lens!! :) One of these days I might just even get it right. LOL!!
Info: Robert’s Birds of Southern Africa


  1. They are so magnificent. Your shots are great.

  2. Beautiful photos. Well done. Have a good day. Diane

  3. They sure are Gaelyn. I saw some yesterday again flying around. Photo's? Well you know the story of the lens. :)

  4. Thanks Diane. I thought you are still on holiday? :)It is always a great day here in Kruger even though the nights have got fairly cold. :)

  5. Very impressive bird, and I think you did just awesome!
