Friday, June 21, 2013

Chacma Baboon

Baboons  are  generally  found  amongst  other  animals,  especially  antelope. This helps increase each species awareness to possible danger.
The canine teeth of  a  fully  grown  male  baboon  are  larger  than  those  of  a cheetah and constitute a formidable defensive and offensive weapon.
 They   have   a   wide   and   varied   diet.   This includes, but  is not  limited  to, insects,  fruit  and  birds  eggs.   They  will  not  eat  decayed  meat,   but  have been  known  to  supplement  their  food  supply  with  freshly  killed  antelope when necessary.
Their   life  span  is  approximately forty years, but this age is based on observation  in  captivity, and  is considered  to be somewhat  less  in   the wild   where   predators,   shortage   of    food  and  water  and  other  adverse conditions diminish their chance of survival.
When little ones are  seen  among  a  troop,  it  is  possible  to  determine  their approximate  ages at  a  glance:  up  to  one  month  old  the  babies  cling  to the bottom of their  mothers  belly;  from  two  to  three  months  old,  they  sit on her back in front of her tail; after three months they travel independently with the troop.
 One   distinguishable   feature   which   differentiates   between   the  sexes  is that the female lacks the  long  mane  of  hair  at  the  back  of  the neck  which is notable on the male.
 Because of the strong attachment between  females  and  their  off-spring, a   mother can sometimes be seen carrying around young which  have died a few days previously.


  1. Seeing that you are in Addo. One of the tour guides mentioned that they have been seeing chacma baboons in the southern section of the park which they never really saw before. The said that they hope having baboons around the park will also attract leopard down from the mountains.

  2. Although notoriously obnoxious still very interesting to watch.

    Double bonus if the baboons attracted leopards into Addo.

  3. Although you might not see them Jonker, I am sure there are leopard here as there are many other species to attract them to this area such as the warthogs, rabbits, smaller buck species and the babies of things like zebra.

  4. See my comment to Jonker Gaelyn. I must say baboons are not on my list of favourites. :)

  5. Thanks for visiting my site and commenting Patrick.
