Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Green Milkweed Locust (Phymateus leprosus)

Family Pyrgomorphidae
A large grasshopper about 7cm in body length.
Raises and rustles wings when threatened and produces an evil-smelling foam from the thoracic joints.
Nymphs are a bright green and black colour and very well disguised in the grass as seen (or not seen) in the first picture. :)
These have been known to be a pest in citrus orchards.
Human fatalities from ingestion are known.

Info: Field Guide to South African Insects


  1. I remember those near Neu-Bethesda.

  2. And I am only getting to post them now. :) Would say I am a bit behind don't you think? LOL!!

    A pity it is getting so cold there now as I would have liked to have gone back while I am up this way.

  3. There is just something to crawling after insects like these with your camera.
