Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tinker Reed Frog (Hyperolius tuberilinguis)

A cute, small frog of about 4cm in length.

They are found in the northern part of the east coast and distinguishes by the plain green and orange/yellow limbs.

Males have a yellow throat.

Info: Frogs and Frogging in South Africa (Vincent Carruthers & Louis du Plessis)


  1. I have seen similar (maybe the same) frogs in S.A., they real;y are very cute. Lovely photos. Keep well Diane

  2. Yet another kind of frog. Yet not a whole road full. ;)

  3. I have found a few frogs on this trip Jonker, all of them reallt small ones. They are so cute. :)

  4. Thanks Diane. Welcome back. I hope you had a lovely holiday?

  5. The ones we found on the road in Kruger I have still not been able to identify although just last night I saw something similar and want to check out more pictures of it.

  6. That is not a reed frog.

    It's a tree frog.
