Thursday, July 11, 2013

Ground Hornbill

The largest of the Hornbill species at about the size of a turkey. The others are much smaller, about the size of a large dove.

A very distinctive birds with his black coloration, white markings on the wing and bright red wattles. The immature birds have a yellowish wattle which gets redder as they mature. Their beak also starts of being a greyish colour.

 They are found along the eastern coast and northern borders of SA.

Found in woodland and grassland or agricultural lands.

They are mainly seen in small family groups of up to 8 birds.

 Forage on the ground and eat snails, reptiles, frogs, insects and occasionally a very young tortoise.

They nest in hollow tree trunks and lay an average of two eggs per season.
Info: Robert’s Birds of Southern Africa


  1. Great Pics - I've only spotted this bird once ...

  2. They are fairly common in our bushveld regions Graham but because of the height of the grass, mostly heard but not seen. :)
