Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Male kudu hold their heads back in order to lay their horns along their back so that they do not get the entangled in the bushes when running.

When fully grown, they have thirty two teeth.

 Very often kudu are seen standing on top of anthills as this gives them a good view of their surroundings and can quickly see approaching danger.

When a herd is alarmed and starts to run away, they curl their tails upwards so that the white part underneath shows. This acts like a flag and enables those behind to follow easily and are thus able to stay together.

The spiral horns are used to pull down branches too high for them to reach otherwise.

 Kudu have the longest horns amongst the antelope species. They have been measured at 181,6 centimetres.

The female leaves the herd when she is about to give birth, and once the calf is born, she keeps it hidden for a few days until the baby is strong enough to join the herd.

They have very large ears in proportion to their heads.


  1. What magnificent horns on the bulls in your pics ... i love the way they effortlesly jump fences ... I've never seen on on top of an Anthill though ...

  2. One of my favourite antelope they are stunning. Keep well Diane

  3. such wonderful antlers and stripes
    awesome to see animals that we do not have Joan.

  4. They are magnificent animals.
