Friday, July 5, 2013

Leopard Tiger Beetle (Habrodera capensis)

Family Carabidae
While walking on the beach I saw this Tiger Beetle but did not have my camera with me so Gaelyn very kindly took these photographs.

These Tiger Beetles are just over 1cm in body length and as with all of the species, are fast runners.
 They have very prominent eyes and fly very well over short distances.

They eat other insects.
Info: Field Guide to South African Insects


  1. Interesting creature. Thanks for the Flame lily photos, I still think they are the most beautiful lilies of all. Have tried to grow them here but no joy :-( Have a good weekend. Diane

  2. I go to the beach often but can't think that I've seen one of these before

  3. They are beautiful lilies Diane but I think the yellow is more spectacular than the red. Probably too cold by you?

  4. I am not surprised Jonker as they look like small flies so you would not even take notice. It is only when you bend down close that you can see what it is. That is one of the reasons they are so difficult to find.

  5. Was an amazing walk on the beach with this cool beetle discovery. I so enjoy touring and learning from you.

  6. Thanks Gaelyn. Finding this first one was wonderful as they are such lovely beetles.
