Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Bronzewinged Courser

A very difficult bird to get photographs of as it stays hidden in the grass in the hopes I did not see him.
 A medium size bird looking very much like a Plover.

The eye pattern easily identifies them.
 They are solitary birds but sometimes seen as a mating pair or a small group.
 They eat insects and are mainly nocturnal.
Info: Robert’s Birds of Southern Africa


  1. You got some great shots of this hide-and-seek player.

  2. Beautiful captures of this elusive bird, Joan. I love coursers and plovers (as you might have seen by several of my bird posts) and managed to photograph a three-banded courser on one of our night drives. This was shortly after me snapping a three-banded plover during the day. I see the bronze-winged plover occurs here in East Africa so I'll be sure to look out for it! Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend. Jo
