Thursday, October 24, 2013

Cape Bulbul

A bird slightly larger than a sparrow and found only in the Cape regions and part of the Freestate where it is a common resident.

Although it has the typical yellow under-tail of the species, the white ring around the eyes is diagnostic.
 Its food consists of fruit and nectar.


  1. A lovely species. Yes I found them in good numbers during my travels of the Western Cape.

  2. Ah just figured out, you are a Kruger guide????

    If so what a dream!

  3. Thanks for the ID on this one. I just saw an image of this bird in my files with no name.

  4. I was a guide to Kruger for 17 years Dave and have worked in environmental education for over 30. :)

  5. Do you have any others Gaelyn? You should have sent it to me for identification. :)

  6. Cheers for the reply Joan

    It must be a thrill, what a job!
