Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Lacewing (Hagenomyia lethifer)

Family Myrmeleontidae
They are the largest of the lacewing species of which we have about 125 in South Africa.

This is to show you how thin he is as he is on a very narrow grass stem.


  1. Are not these the guys who bury their larva in a con shaped hole in the sand? We used to twiddle a piece of grass in the hole to see if the larva thought it was a small insect. Have a good week. Diane

  2. Great macros, once again. There is an antlion in the SW that looks very different and also does the cone hole in the sand.

  3. Yes Diane they are. I see the children still twirling grass in them. :)

  4. Thanks Gaelyn. Antlions/lacewings come in a variety of colours, sizes and wing patterns but the larvae all make the same cone holes. :)
