Thursday, May 1, 2014

Redwing Starling chicks

They had made a nest on a ledge, high up inside a building. 
 The two chicks were perched precariously and I wondered that they did not fall off.
Mother brought a grub for them and as always, the stronger and more dominant chick got it.
Although the second chick begged for food, there was no more.
What a raucous they put up!
Mother cleaned the nest a bit and flew off.
The following day there was only one chick still left and on inquiring was told that the few people in the building had found the other chick dead on the floor. Another case of only the strongest surviving.


  1. Baby birds can be extremely cruel to each other but c'est la vie. Love your photos. Diane

  2. such a beautiful bird and hungry chicks!
