Monday, July 7, 2014

African WIldcat (Felis lybica griselda)

I was lucky to see this Wildcat early enough in the evening in order to get some great shots of it. As they are nocturnal, it is usually too dark and one does not get close enough to use a flash.
For more information:

Info: Unique Facts about Wildlife in South Africa (Joan Young)


  1. When you say you got lucky with a sighting then we know its a special sighting

  2. Hi Joan, excellent shots. It looks like a domestic cat. We often see wild cat here in the Mwadui bush, but it's always too dark and the cat scats before I can focus my camera!

  3. Great shots, Love those eyes :-) Keep well Diane

  4. Great shots. A whole lot better sighting than I got.
