Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Humpbacked Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)

Humpbacked Whale http://youtu.be/_ijJOFrKeL4

Whales normally breach too far from the shore to get any pictures or video footage but on calm days, they tend to come in closer. On one of my last days at the coast, I went to the shops at the small town of Port Edward and decided to buy something for lunch and take it down to the shore to eat.

There was a Humpbacked Whale just off the shore!! Lunch was forgotten as I grabbed cameras and tried to capture the images of it and it was not till I put the footage on the computer, that I noticed something interesting......

What surprised me in all of this was that the fishermen on the shore, just a few meters from the whale, took absolutely no notice of it even though it was basically swimming under their fishing lines!! Can people be so blind to things which happen in nature?

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