Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Three leopards near Satara

Leopards are solitary ceatures.
Very rarely a mating pair will be seen or a mother and cub so when someone tells me they saw three or five together, I know they are probably speaking about cheetah.
One day near Satara Camp in Kruger National Park, I saw a leopard walking a distance away and waited for it to get into a clearing. To my surprise, I saw more movement in the grass and a cub of about two years old appeared too.
Then came the shock - a THIRD leopard appeared!! I have never in all my years seen something like this and was astounded.
After a short get together, the male walk away in a different direction to the female and cub and went to lay in the grass while the pair continued on. They were soon on the road right next to me and I was able to get some great shots of them. I can only surmise that the cub was at an age where the female would be chasing him away and that she was coming into heat again, hence the presence of the male.