Monday, October 27, 2014

Samango Monkey

These monkeys are almost impossible to get pictures of as they are always in the trees. 
 These are two VERY long shots I took of one which at least give a sort-of idea what they look like. They are found along the eastern coast and are about twice the size of Vervet Monkeys.


  1. Still very good photos, Joan. We used to get Blue Monkeys (Diadem) in the Great Rift Valley in Northern Kenya. And your Samango look very much like the Blue Monkey. I also remember seeing these monkeys regularly in Zululand when I worked on Fanie's Island, Eastern Shores, near Mtubatuba. How are you keeping? Greetings, Jo

  2. I have never heard of them, Interesting. Good shots despite being long ones :-) Hope all is well Diane

  3. The only time I haven't seen them in the trees was one jumping from roof to tree right over my head in Hogsback.
