Friday, February 19, 2010

The Rose

It has rain here all of yesterday and last night, with more being forcast over the next few days.
Being at the oppostite end of the world, we are heading for winter and as I am an early riser, I can see the sun coming up later every day and moving further north.

I especially love roses as they remind me of someone special and with the raindrops on them, it makes them look exceptional.

We have a beautiful rose farm a little way up the road and it is nice to spend a Sunday morning there.


  1. Beautiful rose with raindrops! Roses make me feel nostalgic for my hometown in southern California.

  2. The rose looks almost surreal, frozen in time. We all need special and close places to spend quiet time. Guess I better pack the poncho.

    11 more days

  3. Is that ever pretty! Stunning :) I love the raindrops on the rose, like Gaelyn said, it looks almost surreal. Fantastic photo!

  4. thanks Diane. I guess we all have a flower or two which brng back special memories and places to us. Roses and Star Gazers will always remain special to me.

  5. Thanks Gaelyn. It is mostly raining here at night and I go out so early in the mornings, the sun has not had time to dry up the rain drops yet.

  6. Thanks Leeloo. Roses have such a beauty that it is easy to capture a good picture of them.

  7. Exceptionally beautiful rose! I love the water drops

  8. What a sweet post and a beautiful photo. Roses are beautiful any time and with the rain, they make for spectacular subjects!

  9. What a gorgeous rose, Joan. And I especially liked your "thoughful" post.

  10. Gorgeous shot!

    Joan, I think you might like this:

  11. Such a pretty Rose Joan, and I bet the fragrance is just as nice. We will be heading into our rainy season soon, and at this point I'm worried about whre all this snow will go..
    Have a wonderful week-end.

  12. Thanks Tricia. I could not resist taking shots of these beautiful roses.

  13. They sure do Krista. Everything in nature has its own beauty even the ugly warthog. :)

  14. Thanks TB. Good to see you back again. I sometimes get into those thoughtful moods and reflect on things. :)

  15. That is a very gorgeous rose and the water drops just makes it that much more beautiful. So perfect!

  16. Thanks Jose.

    Those pictures in the link are stunning!! WOW!! This guy is an ace. I especially love the mantis shots.

  17. Thanks Becky. Yes, I hope the stream does not flood your house again. I am sure you will be thankful when spring arrives eventually.

  18. Thanks Mary. It was such a fantastic subject to take pics of and although I took others, this red rose was my favorite.

  19. this flower dressed in raindrops is beautiful! Makes me want to lean in and smell it. As you lean towards winter we lean towards spring.

  20. Hello Tammie. I want to lean in and smell it too. I don't know why red roses always seem so special. This one is almost like velvet.

  21. Joan: Nicely captured with the rain on the bloom.

  22. That is really lovely and the raindrops make it all the more beautiful. I am sorry you are heading toward winter.... Michelle

  23. Thanks Craig. Certain flowers are more special to me than others but they are all so beautiful it is difficult to have favorites.

  24. Me too Michelle, even though ours is not as severe as yours. The thing is I have lived for so many year with almost perpetual summer, just the bit of cold here is too much. :)

  25. Joan water droplets always look so nice no the flowers. Thanks for sharing this refreshing photo. Anna :)
