Thursday, February 18, 2010


The sun is slowly going down in the west giving the pink and blue clouds a halo of gold. The last of the birds are flying to their roosting sites and their song is over for the day. It is a quiet time, one to relax by and just enjoy the moment and nature around you.

My mind travels along almost forgotten paths and I recall similar scenes in my life. A chance remark heard during the day tempts me to think about the past, to reflect and wonder at how I got to this space in time.
I had always been an outdoors person but had never seen or had much to do with wild animals besides the odd chameleon for a pet, my working life was in the city surrounded by concrete. I had grown up hearing about game reserves and all the animals to be found there but had never stirred myself enough to actually go there to see it for myself. We know these places are there, but take them for granted most of the time. In anycase, it was 5 hours drive away and I was so comfortable in my little space, I did not want to move out of it.

Then along comes a stranger to our beautiful country and asks if I would take him there. My first reaction is to say no, I mean, I am still at peace in my little world aren’t I? I don’t want to get out of my rut do I? Let someone else take him!! But after a lot of coxing, I am persuaded to change my mind. Some other friends decide to join us as well and we are eventually 5 people who want to make the trip.
How little was I aware that this was going to put my life into a sharp curve which would take me very far out of my comfort zone and into one I was to call “home” for the rest of my life. I think we are uneasy and reluctant to move from one space in our lives to another. We become so accustomed to things as they are so why should we try anything else?

From that time on, I have gladly sought out new experiences and adventures. My curiosity would get the better of me to know what is around the next corner and over the next hill. My life has been full with new adventures, scenes and experiences and all it took was that first reluctant step into a new world.

So my advice to you is this, no matter how afraid or reluctant you are to take that initial step into the unknown, no matter how young or old, do it!! You might find yourself in a wonderful space you can call “home” too!!


  1. Joan this speaks to me. I used to be more open to new things but as I've grown older I find myself in a box, afraid to break out. Of course the fact that I have a family and a scheduled life doesn't help but still I tend to be afraid of new things.

    Maybe one day it will change, I'll relax, and my husband and I will get out to see the world a bit more.

    I'm glad you found a place to call home : )


  2. Joan: I'm so glad you answered the call. Beautiful sky photo through the trees.

  3. This was an enjoyable read. In addition to the pretty pictures, you wax poetic.

  4. Thank you for sharing this piece of your herstory Joan. Sometimes things happen to turn our lives and sometimes we're open enough to follow a new path. I rarely find it disapointing. Wherever I call "home."

    11 more days! ;-)

  5. Superb advice Joan. We should all take a leap of faith in ourselves sometime in our lives. Change is often difficult to accept but can reap tremendous self rewards. FAB.

  6. I'm smiling from ear to ear. Thanks Joan :)

  7. You are welcome Sharon. It is so easy to get into that rut and SO difficult to get out. That comfort zone is so nice to be in but so restricting.

  8. Thanks Tom. Yes, I am one of the lucky ones.

  9. Thanks Craver. Sometimes I wonder if the decisions we make in life are the right ones but I guess if we can look back and have no regrets, then we know our choices were correct.

  10. Thanks Gaelyn, you are welcome. I agree and sometimes we reach a point where the choices we make can affect the rest of our lives. DO we reach out and grab the chances and changes or do we sit back and say 'what will be, will be'? Sometimes we have to know what we truly want and not let the opportunity slip by. By hesitating we can loose so much.

  11. You are right Frank. The most difficult step in a journey is always the first one, the rest comes easy. We can find so many excuses not to take it sometimes.

  12. Muy propio de sudáfrica regalandote esta composición preciosa. Un fuerte saludo

  13. What a great story, and wonderful advice!

    I try to do something every now and then that takes me completely out of my element. You've seen the pictures of some of those adventures so you know... :o)

  14. I love this story Joan, and I have felt those "tuggings" in my lifetime. Not many of us get to experience reaching out to a new beginning, especially one that really really is a keeper. Enjoy my friend!

  15. Thanks Jose. The end and begining of a day is so magical here as you know.

  16. Gracias Mar. A veces pienso en cosas como esta y me pregunto acerca de los acontecimientos en mi vida. He tenido muchas experiencias maravillosas que han enriquecido mi vida y cambiar lo que soy.

  17. Yes Krista, you have had some great experiences too and they all enrich our lives and sometimes change its course.

  18. have been lucky Becky in that I have been able to grab the changes which have come my way. Because of it, I have lived a full life.

  19. Nice thoughts here...taking chances is sometimes necessary to find new beginnings. I'm glad you have found a "home" you are comfortable and happy with!

  20. Thanks Mary. My life has had a few times where it has taken a sharp curve into the unknown and it seems that the changes have enriched my life and I am grateful that I had the courage to take the chance on them.

  21. Great Story Joan.....

    The unknown is where we truly feel alive.

  22. Thanks Bernie. I know that is where my heart beats fast, where I begin to live again.

  23. Oh Joan, so beautifully written! Words that come from a beautiful place, your heart!



  24. This is a really timely post for me Joan... I do need to do this more than I have been. I get adventurous and then something happens and I pull back for a bit. Time to reach out a little more than I have been.. Michelle

  25. Thanks Graig. Yes, it did come from the heart. I sometimes allow my soft side to show. :) I do think though that I have been fortunate to be able to allow myself to take different roads in my life and now can look back with satisfaction at my past. I have had my share of ups and downs but the ups are the ones I remember most.

  26. You are not alone in that Michelle. Most people hesitate on changing things in their lives and put things off until later. The one thing I discovered was that later never seems to come. If you do not make the effort to grab opportunities as they come along, they slip through your fingers and are gone forever.

    Most of us are so reluctant to make that change or before you know it, you are to old to do it and that is when we look back at life with regret. Dont let it happen to you. I know you have other things to contend with, but go out and grab your share of life my friend.
