Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The difference

There is a great difference between taking wildlife / nature photographs and loving wildlife / nature.

The photographer sees with the eye and the nature lover sees with the heart.
The nature lover:
When you can feel the heartbeat of the smallest creature in your soul, hear the song in the wind, feel the rhythm of the earth, then you are a nature lover. If you soar with the hawk, your heart warming at the first rays of dawn, feel small at the sight of the stars, you are getting there.
The photographer:
Does not notice the babies of the mouse hidden in the grass, feels the wind as it brushes the skin or blows your hair, and the earth is just one more mile to travel over. He/she identifies the hawk, rubs his/her hands when the sun comes up and figures out the correct f-stop to use for the night sky shot of the moon.
So, my friends, which are you? Do you wonder at the sight of a baby deer trying to stand on its feet for the first time after birth, do you see yourself in the clowning of a monkey, have you thought of why the various animals are built the way they are?


  1. I would like to think of myself as both. My passion is the place I live in, the outdoors and nature, but also photography. That is why I try to capture what I see. My camera isn't close to the same quality as those of most nature photograpers, but I agree, they never get in touch with their subjects.

  2. It's hard to choose between the two. I'm definitely a lover of mixing chocolate and peanut butter. In fact, I'd mix anything with peanut butter. Where does that put me?

    Whether I am behind the lens or not, I love all of creation, but I especially love the One who spoke it into existence.

  3. I would have to say a little bit of both! I always wonder how nature works, I love observing it, I love being surrounded in it, but I also love taking good captures of it :)

  4. Stunning pictures and I am certainly a nature lover. I would also like to be a photographer but my skills are very limited.

  5. Joan you are so right. I am right now between the lines, I use programmed mode so I don't have to worry about camera settings, on the end it may give me same result, but I will miss lot of things. Love your post a lot, and I read the joke about the swearing parrot, I heard it before, but I laughed again. Beautiful images, especially the first one. Anna :)

  6. When someone realizes that they ARE nature, then love flows towards the object of that love. All of us were created from the same material. All things, weather flying things, swimming things, crawling things, the cosmos, or a walking thing called a human being, are related to eachother. The only way to move through this creation is with love for it. Walking in beauty!

  7. Joan: I love to take photos of nature and all that is connected to it.

  8. Great writing! I'm nature lover first and photographer second. I majored in biology because I love animals and plants both. I've been watching and caring for my birds long before I got a digital camera to photograph them. However, having the camera has made me see some things that I didn't notice before. I've learned more since I became a photographer about the things that I see and notice more detail. I touched a Downy woodpecker yesterday....how cool is that? I saw the herons returning to their nests...wow! I watched ducks and saw a great sunset. Nature is so wonderful! God is good and I hope to enjoy as well as respect it all with or without camera.

  9. Hey Joan - great post! I am definitely a nature lover. Every shot I ever take is an attempt to capture those feelings to share them with others. I'm not sure I always succeed at expressing them to the viewer but I know I capture what I've felt and noticed. Either way it's extremely rewarding. :o)

  10. Hi Joan. I'm a nature watcher first and foremost who tries to capture something of what I see and feel BUT there are times when the attempt to photograph a happening actually gets in the way of watching. It's still fun trying to find a happy balance. FAB

  11. I have to say I can relate to both.
    I try to feel what I see, and be so thankful I am able to do so.
    In nature you have to be on guard every minute. I also find myself being caught up in the moment.

  12. I think I am a nature lover Jonker and photogrpahy is just my way of expressing my appreciation of it and being able to share my passion.

  13. Now THAT is a good question Craver. :) There is just no accounting for some people's tastes but I am glad you shared it with us. LOL!!

  14. And you do a great job of it too Leeloo.

  15. Thanks Diane. You should have seen the awful pictures I posted and made people suffer through in the begining and still sometimes do. :)I reckon we all improve with time and yours a pretty darn good anyway.

  16. Hello Anna. I had never hear the joke before and loved it. LOL!! It is going to be my favorite for a while. :)

    I think most of the people who follow my blog are a combination of the two, some leaning more one way than the other. We all have a great appreciation for the world of nature and that is what counts most.

  17. You are right Mike. I feel as if I am one with nature and so much a part of it. It flows within me and is an extension of my soul.

  18. I have to agree with you Tom. It is so wonderful to share this beautiful world with everyone.

  19. What a fantastic experience Mary!! To be able to photograph it is so rewarding and each of us have a love for the things on this earth which is very much part of us too. Experiences like touching these things is incredible.

  20. Thanks Krista. I for one know exactly how you feel when you take those wonderful shots and being able to share it is fantastic.

  21. Sounds like me Frank. :) I sometimes get so caught up in watching that I forget to take the picture and could kick myself afterwards. :)

  22. Hello Becky. So many times I myself get caught off guard by something happening in nature and when I finally realize what I am seeing, the moment has past and I have missed it. :)

  23. Oh well...you know where I stand....and so do you... Michelle

  24. Hi Joan, I like your sunset and macro flower. I feel that my camera helps me get closer to nature. I walk slower with my camera. When I stop to take pictures, I usually notice other things that I would have missed otherwise. I learn by studying the photos alongside field guides.

  25. I think that is the best of all Diane, the fact that we now take our time instead of rushing by and missing all the wonderful things we have around us.

  26. Thanks Jose. I think you fit in nicely there too. :)

  27. I am definitely a nature lover. My heart quickens when I see something I've never seen before in nature. I love it.

  28. You definitely are then Sandy. That is how I feel too.
