Thursday, February 4, 2010


We have a rose farm nearby and I go there at least once a month to smell the beautiful fragrances in the air and to wonder at the perfectness of the rose.


  1. Exquiste photos of the rose Joan. Beautiful photography.

    These roses are unfolding them selves to the world, revealing once hidden layers to the light of day for all to see the many dimensions and depth of its essence.

  2. Thanks Bernie. I dont think pictures ever do them justice though.

    I tried doing that once and it did not work out too well. :(

  3. I can just imagine the sweet smell of roses in the air. There are some rose farms around the Addo area as well, but I have never seen that you can visit them to just have a look.

  4. Many people go to this one on a Sunday and even during the week to buy their roses. That have a lovely little shop where you can get breakfast or something else to eat. Maybe the next time you go past one of them, stop and ask if they allow the public or even just if you can take pictures if they dont. I have found people to be very kind when I have asked them.

  5. Joan: As you know I love flower photos and these are certainly winners. I loved the way you captured the beauty.

  6. Impressive. Red roses have been a challenge for me, as the color tends to get lost in saturation. It's like a vampire that can't see a reflection... roses can't take good pictures. Well, that was my theory until I saw what you did here. Very nice!!

  7. Thanks Tom. I think the beauty comes through all by itself.

  8. Oops!! Sorry Craver if I spoilt your theory. These were all taken in normal, middle of the morning light but I sheilded the rose with the shadow of my body. Maybe you want to try it like that too.

  9. This is a beautiful study of roses Joan. I simply love the heady smell of roses. It is sad that some have been hybridized to the point of no smell. Excellent macros including the dew drops.

  10. Oh, WOW! Aren't roses the best? To me, they are an example of nature's perfection. I'm always so impressed at how each petal is so perfectly formed.

    Ahh.... this is a delightful post Joan!

  11. Oh, I can almost smell them! Lovely colors and the red one looks velvety too.

  12. Thanks Gaelyn. Not all of the hybrids loose their smell. Some of them are specially cultivated for their heady perfume.

  13. Stunning photos, Joan. I also enjoyed catching up on all your wonderful recent posts. The range of your artistry is amazing, from sweeping vistas to close-ups of the smallest critters, shown with perfect clarity. Thank you.

  14. Thanks Penny. I do agree that they are absolute perfection and are one of my three top favorite flowers.

  15. Thanks Diane. The red and pink have to be my favorites here. Then on the otherhand, I love all roses and can never really choose which I like best. I think the one in my sidebar is the best of them all though.

  16. Great to hear from you again Sandy. Beautiful aren't they. I like the one you posted too.

  17. Thats very kind of you Mary, thank you. I love all things about nature so am always finding something of interest as I go about my day. Lovely to hear from you again.

  18. Thanks for the flowers Joan. These are just beautiful, and I can actually smell them. I LOVE roses!
    A bright spot in the doldrums of winter...

  19. I am happy to be able to brighten up your day Becky. :)

  20. Thanks Jose. There are few things more beautiful than a rose.

  21. These are gorgeous! Love the water on the petals.

  22. Thanks Mary. They were spraying them when I got there and I can never resist waterdrops on things.

  23. Oh...I am almost smell and touch them.....beautiful.....

  24. To go to this place is a stunning experience Michelle. An ideal way to spend a Sunday morning.
