Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Pilansberg - Wild Flowers - Part 1

I went to Pilansberg over the past weekend to do some bug hunting and everything is very lush and green.
They have had a lot of rain there with dams, stream and river overflowing. Because of the rain, there are ticks everywhere and so walking looking for bugs was out. I then decided to do the wild flowers, something I have been wanting to do for a long time but never seem to get around to.

Although I am calling this series "Flowers" I did run across a bug and animal or two and will insert them here too.
When the gates opened at 05:30 it was still fairly dark and at the first watering hole I saw these hippo out of the water, heading back down from where they had been grazing. It was too dark to see properly so I took a few pictures and this one came out good enough to post, the others are really AWFUL!! LOL!!
There was a mushroom with a pretty edge along the road and I could not resist a shot of it.
A baby Elegant Grasshopper. They get to be really beautiful and colorful when older, in about 6 weeks from this stage.
The young giraffe had an itch and was scratching his head against the tree. It must be awful trying to find the right size tree to rub it against. :)
In the distance was one of the dams I was heading for and the water was running over the sluice gates. It is the first time I have been there that I have seen this as it is actually quite a dry area.


  1. I've heard great things about Pilansberg.
    Your hippo pics made me realize that I never saw them out of the water, only loafing within.

    Gosh, SO many reasons to re-visit southern Africa!

  2. How many times have I told you to come over Jochen? Your family would love a vacation here!! :)

    Good to hear from you again. Did you and Dale have a braai? :) I hope he did not tell you weird stories about me. LOL!!

    You have to be there very early morning or on a cloudy day to catch the hippo's out of the water.

    In 4 weeks time I am going up to Kruger for a week. Imagine the pics I am going to post then. :)

  3. *sniff* If only the water flowing over that dam wall could flow into our dams.

  4. Oh shame Jonker, I feel so sorry for you folks up there with the rstrictions!! I wonder when it will ever end. I saw when I was up there how dry everything was. I always feel sorry for the animals on the farms.

  5. Joan: Wonderful photos of these neat area, were you in a jeep or on foot when you got these shots? I love the grasshopper. It is really elegant in its coloring.

  6. Hello Tom. I have a small truck which I was there with. There are lions, elephants, buffalo etc there so you are not allowed to get out of your car but I must admit to sneaking out if I need to but only when I know it is safe.

  7. Ticks are no fun at all. I like the pics you've chosen for us. I can't wait to see the flowers, too!

  8. You are so right about that Craver!! Thanks, the flowers will be coming up in the next few part I shave scheduled as there are so many of them, I cannot put them all in one.

  9. Incredible Grasshopper:so wonderful.It seems an animal from another planet.

  10. Pilansberg sure does look green. I love the hippo, the giraffe and of course the colorful grasshopper.

  11. Totally awesome, Joan!

    I love the variety here... hippo to giraffe to grasshopper - ALL things I would never see at home which is one of the reasons I love visiting you here SO much! :o)

    I love the mushroom too, they are so fun to photograph!

    Great photos and thank you for sharing!

  12. It's so nice to see a place in its many moods. Wow, so lush and green with all that water, the gift of life. That's a remarkable looking grasshopper, like to see it's changes. I wouldn't need a very tall branch to scratch my head.

  13. It sounds like a cool trip Joan. That picture of the Hippo isn't that bad, and you got a nice reflection in the water.
    Love the color on that grasshopper. All we have up here are green or brown ones.
    Awesome to see Giraffes too.

  14. Wonderful! What an unusual pretty!

  15. Thanks Andrea. The black colour is most unusual but it will change in a few weeks time.

  16. It is a great place to go to Diane and only an hour and a half's drive from me so I go there often.

  17. You are very welcome Penny. Thanks. I am pleased that you have joined me on my site and that I can show you something different.

  18. I wouldn't need a very tall one either Gaelyn. :) Sometimes I wish I had just another inch or so growth as things on top shelves can be a pain without a chair to stand on. LOL!!

  19. Thanks Becky. I liked the reflection too but did not notice it until I made the photograph lighter. It was sstill very dark. :)

  20. Thanks Mary. This is still a baby and looks totally different to the adult.

  21. How awesome to be immersed in such a cool environment. Even the grasshappers look quite exotic and truly wild. Having yellow spots like that, I wonder if they have toxins in their skin.

  22. This is a very exciting country to live in Bernie and I do wish that one day you and Stacey can come here for a visit too.

    Yes, they do have toxins so the birds leave them strictly alone.

  23. wow, that grasshopper is beautiful...

  24. Thanks Sandy. When it grows up it will look like the one in my sidebar.

  25. The grasshpper is fabulous, really incredible!

  26. Thanks Jose. They are even better when they reach their mature colours.

  27. Oh my gosh..that grasshopper is the most beautiful one....We have to watch for deer ticks here, but I don't think probably to the extent that you have to there...Michelle

  28. This ticks are small red ones and a great pest afte the rains. Thanks Michelle.
