Monday, February 1, 2010

Do you have a secret place.......

....the one you go to when you need to replenish the desolation of your soul……the one place on earth where you can become whole again……where you are safe and nothing can hurt you anymore. The place you go when you are disillusioned and the world seems to hold nothing but tears. The place you go to when no other feels like ‘home’…

This is the place where we dream, dream of what could and can be, where everything turns into reality, where wishes do come true. There are no obstacles in our dreams, here in this secret place.
Each of us has a place like this, whether it is a park, a special restaurant, a trip on a boat. There are times when we need to find ourselves again, when we have been lost or wandered of course and don’t know how to get back on track. It is this place we go to, the place where the sun starts to come out from behind the dark clouds, where our spirit lightens and we can see past our problems and start to smile again.
We begin to see things from another perspective. Here we can learn to trust again, to forgive. Here you don’t question your own self-worth, but know that your life is important in this world…..know you are more than just a message on a computer screen. Everything comes back into focus, maybe not forgotten, but we find that we can move on…..
My place is in the bush, surrounded by wild animals. There is harmony and balance. I am one with the earth. The solitude, the wonder of sitting watching nature take its course, the sound of the birds, the sun peeping over the horizon. Time to think things through and get a glimpse of the silver lining. No problem seems without an answer here. I start to breathe again and fear and sorrow melt away. As I watch the animals, the pain melts away and I begin to feel alive and gather the strength to face tomorrow……..

Where is your secret place?


  1. I wish I could have a little secret spot in the African bush as well. My other ideal spot would be somewhere in the Knysna forest with a possible view of the ocean or lagoon in the distance.

  2. This is absolutely beautiful Joan! We all crave to be where we feel alive. And we are alive when we can feel fully. We can start at our secret place and expand that secret place and name it infinite.

    The uninterrupted trail of life is my haven Joan. Its off into the mountains and woods I go.

  3. So beautifully written Joan! You express such wonderful feeling in this post.

    I think its wonderful for each of us to have our secret place, to reflect within and cleanse our soul. And as we do this more and more, with time we are able to take that feeling with us into each moment.

    I find peace often out in nature. I do not have one specific secret place, simply the beauty and calming energy that so many beautiful places in nature hold. I look forward to finding many more beautiful secret places on my journey through life!

  4. They both sound ideal Jonker. We all need a place to unwind.

  5. Thanks Bernie. There are so many questions in life ..... what is it all about? DO we ever find all the answers we seek? At best we can find a place which brings things into perspective and at least for a while, can live in harmony again.

  6. I agree with you Stacey. Maybe one of the biggest problems with people like me is that I am stuck between all this concrete and only manage to get out into the fresh open air and spaces on an irregular basis. We need to find out roots sometimes, to get the cobwebs out and to see things more clearly. Only then can we accept the knocks life deals us with and this gives us the courage to carry on for a while.

  7. What you wrote. I've known this for sometime now, Joan. A kindred soul. My place is the wilderness, wherever it may be. The Boundary Waters Canoe Area in Minnesota. A trout stream in the woods or far away in the mountains of Montana. Casting to bass in a quiet bass in a quiet backwater of the Big River (Mississippi). :)

  8. That sounds perfect TB. Why is it that to some of us these outdoor places are so important? If I never got to be in them I think I would die a slow death. I am pleased to hear you think as I do about this.

  9. Mine is the white desert in El Farafra. and the oasis areas of Egypt. you can visit my special place on

  10. Really like the photo of the seashore there Joan, all the rest are very nice too! Of course you know already where I hang out and fortunate for me, I don't really have a concrete jungle per sae. : )

  11. What a great trip Tony but oh my goodness what a lot of hassles!! I think I wuld have been so frustrated I would had killed someone after the first day!! :)

  12. Thanks Ken. Yes, you do stay in a lovely place with all those beautiful mountains so close to you. You do not need a special getaway as you are able to do so every weekend. How lucky you are. Hey, how about posting some more of those hikes of yours. I am sure there are people who would love to see them?

  13. Joan: This was so nicely written my friend. My place of course is in my boat on the lake. The serenity I feel as I travel the lake, whether to fish or photograph, can be found no where else. The lake is covered with ice and can't be accessed except as I look back through the photos of the past season. I look forward to mid April and another day on the water. I'm haunted by the life giving waters and the wonders they bring.

  14. Thanks Tom. The serenity these places bring us is something that words cannot adequately describe. They are an integral part of our lives and without them, life would be unbearable. It is the place we go to shed the tears which can never be seen, the place where our heart heal and the place wher we are lifted up onto a better plane.

  15. Oh gee. I went to my secret place, and someone else was using it at the time. I guess it's not so secret after all.

    I have a friend from New York who's secret place in that big city is... her back yard! She has a small back yard, but lays down, so that when she looks up, all she sees is her tree and the sky. The rest of the world goes away for a little while, and she can think more freely.

  16. As small as that piece of sky is to her, it works and in the end, that is all that counts. We each have to find our piece of sky wherever we can. Maybe we will even find a ray of sunshine there.

  17. In the last years I feel like you:I feel myself only in the bush,or in the Kalahari.
    But I cannot do it as often as I like.
    Another good place for me is on my motorbike,when my head is inside the helmet and nobody can see my face.

  18. What a beautiful, and insightful post!

    My place is behind the lens of my camera. I mostly shoot nature scenes, as you know... so if I am shooting, chances are good that I'm in the bush as well.

    I feel like when I'm capturing new images, I'm washing away old ones that I don't need any more, inside my brain.

    it's useful because my happy place can travel with me almost anywhere. :o)

  19. I know you love the bush as much as I do Andrea and it is such a pity you cannot get there more often. I love the freedom of a motorbike too but I like to ride without a helmet and feel the wind in my face.

  20. Thanks Penny. What a great place to be. I think without my photography of nature all these years, I would have been a lost soul. It has given me the will to survive and carry on.

  21. Your words are so inspiring and beautiful Joan. Very meaningful.
    I feel that way when I am outide wandering around the trails, breathing in the cool moist air very early in the morning, and listening for any little sound from some unsuspecting creature. Listening to the happy birds songs as they wake for the day.Feeling the warm sun on my face, and I thank God for this land that we live in.

    I have this saying on my side bar
    " Be ever so kind to nature. It is given to us as a gift to enjoy"

  22. Thanks Becky. Yes, nature has a way of giving us a boost and is certainly a HUGE gift in my life. I sit outside in the early morning and listen to the birds starting to sing their songs and watch the moon and the stars disappear to be replace with the sky lightening at dawn and I say thank you for another beautiful day as who knows what tomorrow may bring.

  23. You have a beautiful secret place. Not that it was secret but mine was the bathtub with candles and bubbles til my daughter took over that bathroom. Now I lose myself in a book when I want to get away. You live in such a beautiful place.

  24. Interesting to see what all your male readers posted...It is very secret but being outside is it for me. Even the few minutes that I go out on these cold snowy days makes me feel connected to the outdoors and all that live is very precious to me...Michelle

  25. Oh what a lovely place Becky!! Especially with the candles and bubblebath!! I do that too when I can. It is a wonderful fantasy and for me to loose myself in.

  26. You know Michelle, sometimes we think these things are just what women do, but most men have the need for some quiet time too. You stay in such a lovely place with that stream going by, I am sure it would be my favorite place too.

  27. Oh yes, I know about needing that secret place to regoup. I so need to get into nature right now after a week in TX towns.

    26 days left till I fly your way.

  28. How wonderful to have you back!! I missed you and am counting the days too!!

    Lets face it Gaelyn, people like you and I are not made for city life.

  29. I know exactly what you mean Joan, about photography giving you the will to carry on. I feel exactly the same way - for years I didn't even *understand* how much photography enriched my life. Now that I know it, I appreciate it so much more. :o)

  30. Well written! I think I try to keep my secret place inside of me, so I have it with me at all times. Anytime I'm out in nature just wandering around and watching, I feel relaxed and rested. I guess that is why I like photography so record the daily journey.

  31. There is no sunset like in Africa!

  32. I agree Penny. Nature does not judge you but opens your soul to the feeling of being alive again.

  33. Thanks Mary. That is a good way to do it. You will always have peace and tranquillity that way.

  34. I have to agree with you there Jose. They are stunning.
