Friday, December 25, 2009

Flowering cactus

There is a minuture cactus in a pot in the garden and two days ago when I went out it had this huge flower on it. I thought that when I got home from work I would take some photographs of it, then changed my mind and decided to do it immediately.
Just as well because by the time I got home, the flower had died. I did not know that some of them only last for a day.

The plant itself is only about 2 inches in height and the flower must have been 7 or 8 inches. I was happy you have got some pictures of its beauty.


  1. Don't they give us some splendid flowers We have a large plant here next to the court house but of course the police do not like to see a camera around. so I can only get quick snaps with my pocket camera. do you know the name of the tree that's featured on my blog.
    I have so many plants on this site I will have to give them their own blogspot. all the best for the new year. I am off to find out what all these High chimneys are as I have 2 stories brickworks or pump house . will see! and blog later on nilelife2.

  2. It is a Knob Thorn Tony. I will put a comment on your blog for you.

  3. What a beautiful cacti flower Joan. Pity they have such a short life :(

  4. A good lesson not to put off a photo. That flower is exquisite. Perhaps we can appreciate its beauty more because of the brief opportunity provided.

  5. Wow, who would have thought that little plant would have such a gorgeous flower!

  6. Thanks Lawrence. Yes, for some things, life is very short.

  7. You are right Gaelyn, one should never put things off until tomorrow. We should grab every opportunity in life when we get it.

  8. Thanks Becky. Who would think that such beauty can appear out of something so ugly. It goes to show we should never judge things from the outside, but from the inner.

  9. Ooh, beautiful Joan. I always wanted to have flowering cactus in my greenhouse. I do have a small one that does flower twice a year, but I'd really like a much bigger one. I must look for one.

  10. I wonder if One day of flowering in human terms is like living for eternity for this flower. It knew exactly what to do and always knew how to do it.

  11. Beautiful flower on that tall! Glad you got some shots of it.

  12. Beautiful! I'm so glad you changed your mind and decided to shoot it right away. Sometimes I get that feeling about something too... it usually pays off to listen to your instincts!

    Hope you're having a wonderful day!

  13. I am glad that you caught it then. Beautiful flower Joan... Michelle

  14. What an amazing little flower! Its so wonderful that you got to experience it! And now you will be able to enjoy it for a long time to come, you just have to look back at your photos. =)

  15. Hello Becky. The cacti are so slow growing and I know they take years before they start to flower. I was given the tiniest one last week and will post a picture of it.

  16. Hello Bernie. This was an amazing event for me as it was unexpected. Nature does know how to take care of itself.

  17. Thanks Penny. I was lucky to even notice the flower as the pot is off to one side and when things are so long in a place you tend to overlook them.

  18. You are so right Stacey. Thank goodness for cameras in which we can capture these moments.

  19. Beautiful cactus!
    I have about ten similars on my balcoon and when they flower they are really wonderful,becausse everyone makes 5 or 6 flowers.
    Also mine last for one or two days.
    But they flower for two or three months about one time/week.

  20. WOW, that sounds great Andra. You must post some pictures for me. I was given a vry small one this past weekend but it will be a long time before it flowers.

  21. I was looking at cacti while at the grocery this morning. I almost bought one or two, I may still later. I really like the way that flower shoots up, to bad it did not last very long but to my understanding there are only a few that do. : )

  22. Thanks Ken. They are so easy to have around as they do not need looking after and watering. I am sure with you cold you would have to keep them indoors and would look good next to the ugly cheetah you have. LOL!!
