Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas to you....


  1. Hi Joan~! Merry Christmas to you too - I hope that the next year will be an amazing one and that all your dreams will come true :)

    Lovely flower photo - I like the pink and white lines/veins (is that what you call it?) on the flower.

  2. I think Santa should set up a base at the South Pole too. That way he could be more fuel effecient and could give his reindeer some additional oats and heavy duty lichen to munch on between stops.

    Merry Christmas and Happy Summer Days.

  3. Thanks Sreddy. I think you are right about my dreams coming true. It is one I have long waited for. :) Have a super holiday too. Do you celebrate the Christmas and New Year?

  4. You are right Bernie. It will be much easier on the reindeer. I think Santa is going to have to change his oufit though, much to hot here for the traditional ones. :)

    You two have a wonderful time too.

  5. Wishing you a Merry Christmas Joan and my all you dreams and wishes come true :)

  6. Thank you Lawrence. Its like I say at the top of my blog " never give up on a dream until you are ready to wake up and make it real". Maybe this next year will see some changes for me and I will wake up.

  7. Merry Christmas to you too Joan! I hope your day is a quiet, relaxing one.

    : )


  8. Have a splendid Christmas Joan.

  9. Peace to you at the holidays and always. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas, Joan!

  10. Merry Christmas, Joan! And all the best to you and yours in 2010. :o)

  11. Wishing yu peace and love during this Holiday Season! I am looking forward to the New Year and what your blog will bring. Merry Christmas, Joan!

  12. Merry Christmas Joan, I hope you have a wonderful holiday!

  13. Thanks Päivi. Have a wonderful holiday too.

  14. Thanks Sharon. Happy holidays to you too.

  15. Thanks Frank. Hope you are going to have a great time too.

  16. Thanks Becky. I must find more time for blogging next year.

  17. Joan, Merry Christmas to you! May you enjoy love and happiness over this holiday season and beyond.
    Big HUGS!!!!

  18. And also to you Joan. Merry Christmas!

    I did a book review on Part Of The Pride on Troutbirder II. I'm wondering what you think of your countryman's accomplishments and methods???

  19. Same for you Gaelyn. I think love and happiness must be the most beautiful gift anyone can ever receive.

  20. Thanks TB. You have a great holiday season too.

    Thank you so much for that write up. I have put a link to it at the top of my page. This is an amazing love story which has never been heard of before and an accomplishment which very, very few people will ever experience.

  21. Merry Christmas to the Bug Lady!
    May the spirit of Christmas fill your heart
    From every corner, crook, and cranny
    To the end of time and from the start.

    We have no gifts to send you
    Just these words from all your fans
    We love your blog and we love you too
    More than all of Sahara's sands...


  22. My dear Craig. The gift of your friendship is the greatest gift I could ever receive and I thank you for it from the bottom of my heart. Love you too. Hope you are having a wonderful time.

  23. A very appropiate colorful flower photo for the season. thanks for this visual Christmas gift!

  24. You are welcome Jose. Thank you for being an inspiration to do photography. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas.

  25. Hope you are having a great Christmas and will enjoy a fantastic 2010.

  26. Merry Christmas, Joan!....and a very Happy New Year!

  27. Feliz 2010 que este lleno de bonitas imagenes y de alegres colores. Te deseo mucha suerte desde Asturias-España

  28. Merry Christmas to you too Joan. May the New Year bring you happiness, joy, inner peace, and continued good health.
    I send you good luck in your new venture.

  29. Joan: I do hope you had a neat Christmas filled with much joy.

  30. Thanks Adelino. I hope you had a fantastic Christmas. :)

  31. Gracias Floristería La Plaza. Espero que hayan tenido una gran Navidad y les deseo un 2010 winderful también.

  32. Thanks Becky. My new venture is going to be very exciting. :)

  33. Thanks Tom. Had too much to each and had a great time. :)

  34. I hope you had a lovely Christmas Joan -hugs-

  35. I am late, but very Merry Christmas to you dear Joan... Michelle

  36. Joan,
    Sorry this is a little bit late, but I hope you had a most beautiful Christmas!! And wishing you a new year filled with beauty and moments briming with joy!

  37. Thanks Leeloo's mum. Chistmas was spent with some friends and I had too much to eat as usual. :)

  38. Thanks Stacey. I hope you had a good Christmas too.
