Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Slug Moth (Caffricola vicina) Limacodidae

These are awful pictures but the only ones I was able to get of this beautiful moth. I chased it for hours and could not get near. Eventually I had to resort to using my 300mm lens which as you know does not give much detail on such a small subject from that distance away. Anyway, these will give you an idea of how pretty moths can be.


  1. WOW!! Again Joan two awesome closeup's. When did you take these?

  2. Wow indeed! Those are not awful at all! I thought I was the only one who liked moths, haha, everyone seems to hate them for some reason. I think they're beautiful :)

  3. One of the most beautiful moths I ever seen.

  4. Your persistence paid off. I'm glad we got a chance to see this beautiful moth.

    Side note: It is interesting to me that while their thorax might be compared to our upper torso, and likewise their abdomen to our lower torso, their thorax mainly supports the wings and legs, and does not contain vital organs, like the heart. Those are down in the abdomen. That means, that when one moth tells another moth that he loves her from the bottom of his heart, he illustrates this by placing his hand on his lower back.

  5. What a spectatcular reddish orange!

  6. I am so happy to see some insects..it is a dead zone here. Your blog feed goes back as far as March 2008...Michelle

  7. Not awful at all Joan. What a beautiful creature. Sometimes it can be really frustrating to get a picture we're pleased with, but you did fine.

  8. hi,

    can't say that awful, but what lacks is a little freshness of the surrounding..if u had done it in the early morning with dewdrops and greenery round in a cool warm sunlight it would have been sooo vibrant.. but not ur fault though, can't make the model arrange to pose na.. have to shoot as it comes.. by the way me loves macro photography, that's y i stopped to say a hi to u..

  9. Wow - these are beautiful shots. This moth is so colourful...I thought all moths are dull and brown :) Enjoy the upcoming weekend. The weather is so strange these days...!

  10. Hello Lawrence. A few weeks back I went to the Sammy Marks Museum just oustide of town but spent most of my time wandering around the lovely gardens. LOL! I am not big on museums themselves. LOL!

  11. Hello Leeloo. I love the moths and found they can be just as pretty as butterflies but most people tend to overlook them.

  12. Nice to hear from you again Birdy. It is a pretty one.

  13. LOL!! What an interesting bit of info Craver. I am going to have to watch out for moths clutchings their backs from now on. :)

  14. Thanks TB. I think it has the colors of a circus clown. :)

  15. I saw the greys (our spelling) on your blog Michelle - maybe I can find more sunny pictures to get you through.

  16. Thanks Becky. I just like a bit more details than what that lens gives me but sometimes beggers can't be choosers and I would rather have a bad photo than none at all. :)

  17. Thanks Pixelshots, I would loved to have been abe to take the shot you describe but unfortunately in this kind of photography, you cannot choose what you want and do not want. :)

  18. Thanks Sreddy. Loved your poem. Have a good weekend too. Are you not going away anywhere? I am actually loving this rain but it does make it a bit muddy to go bug hunting. :)

  19. Well....I wish you would make up your mind, Joan! I stopped looking when you stripped the blog of everything, and then Bruce tells me I missed a big announcement! I will start looking here again, if you are back again....I hope! Will catch up the minute I have a minute of time.

  20. Those big bold spots on the moth are remarkable. Very nice shots!

  21. I love the featherd antennea. : )

  22. Hello Mary. Sorry about that but a lot of people asked me to post something whenever I had the time which is what I am trying to do. :)

  23. Thanks Diane. They are really bold colors and I suspect they are to ward off predators.

  24. Joan they are excellent images. Thanks for sharing again.

    BTW I wanted to send warm wishes for this holiday season, lots of love, happiness, joy and good health. Happy New year, and lastly want to thank you for your always kind comments and blogging support this year. Take care my friend, Anna :)

  25. Thanks Anna for your kind words too. It is wonderful to have such kind people visiting my blog.

    Have a fantastic Christmas and New Year. I wish you joy and happiness for 2010.

