Thursday, June 24, 2010

Cars in the Park - Part 10 Final

They also had some very beautiful motorbikes on show, old and new.....


  1. Wow, these are some really unique and wonderful looking vehicles... Nice captures...

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  2. They are all great but I would quite fancy the 7th one down with the little boot to go and do my shopping. :) Diane

  3. Joan: Quite the motorcycle show, a lot of old ones there.

  4. Nice! I'll take the last one.

  5. I love the look of the older ones.. maybe that is because I am older.. lol... Michelle

  6. What, no soccer motifs on any of those bikes?

    I like that new red one in the second picture.

  7. Thanks Kcalpesh. I loved the day at this show.

  8. The old ones are still the best Tom. Real classics.

  9. We can use one like that on your next trip here Gaelyn provided we do not go to Kruger again of course. :)

  10. Dont mention the S word please!! LOL!! I wish the games were over and we can get back to normal again as it seems like everyone has gone crazy!! LOL!! Maybe it will calm down now we are out of it?

    You have class Craver, that is a beautiful bike.

  11. Some great shots Joan it looks like they have a lot of pride and joy in those bikes did you get a ride in one ?

  12. Thanks Philip. You are right, the guys displaying these bike are really proud of them and I can see why. I would have LOVED to go on one but I am so darn short, my feet do not touch the ground on most of them. LOL!! Many years ago I was after a Honda 450cc because they had brought out one with a lower seat and it was a great bike. The alternative of course is to take something like the last one with a side-car. :)

  13. I am sorry to say Joan that is no excuse my sister is not even 5 foot and has a 1000cc Honda she had the seat cut so go buy one have the seat cut then take a photo I want to see the bug lady in leathers LoL !!

  14. LOL!! You wish!! LOL!! I can just see myself in leathers with my butterfly net sticking out of my jacket on the one side and the cameras slung around my neck!! LOL!! That is so funny!!

    I have been contemplating buying one for about 4 years now and would really love to have one again.

  15. The old ones are magnificent:I love them!

  16. Oh my, lots of bikes, and looks like they cost a mint!

  17. Me too Andrea. I think I like the one in the last picture best but will settle for the first red one. :)

  18. Good to have you back again Becky. I hope you had a great time except for the rain of course.

    You are right, they do cost a fortune but they would be wonderful to have wouldn't they? :)
