Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I found this one at work but naturally, I do not have a clue what it will turn into.
The hairs on its back grows in clumps, each one on a blue spot.
I put it in my lunch box to take home with me for a photographing session......
...... and it had a great meal on the left-over crumbs in it. :)


  1. I hope you keep it long enough to tell us what it turns into. Diane

  2. Munch-munch-munch-munch.

  3. It doesn't look Yummy to the Birds I bet nice close ups Joan :)

  4. Joan, you really need to stop feeding the wild life. Wild looking caterpillar.

  5. He is CUTE Jonker!! You are just jealous of his hairy feet!! LOL!!

  6. No I did not Diane. Sorry. At this stage I am too busy for anything like this but soon.... :)

  7. Yeah, but did it have to have MY lunch Steve? LOL!!

  8. Thanks Philip. It makes me wonder how anyone can eat Mopani worms? :)

  9. LOL!! But I WANTED those crumbs for myself Gaelyn!!

  10. you lucky person sharing your lunch with a beautifull catterpiller.

    bet its a moth

  11. The metamorphosis these things go through... this design boggles the mind. I look at this little crawler now and imagine it how it will end up. It will be so different!

  12. Beautiful, but ugly to the human eye too. Note the ugly mouthparts and who can like something that eats all day :)

    Quite a detailed hairy worm - I too wonder what it will become - some hairy moth maybe!

  13. Ciao Joan,like a caterpillar eats the leaves of my plants !!!!!!!!!!!

  14. I think that the smaller creatures are, the more beautiful they are...
    You sure did catch a little beauty!
    Oh, HI JOAN!

  15. It probably is a moth Tony and I did not mind sharing my lunch at all. :)

  16. I often wonder about all those stages Craver. Surely it would be easier to lay and egg and the moth to emerge straight out of their? Then again, I am not Mother Nature so who knows the reasoning behind it? :)

  17. Oh, di sicuro non come loro Elettra, e tutti i gustosi ortaggi ed i fiori in giardino troppo! :)

  18. Thanks Zane. It is probably a moth. I have not come across many butterflies as they are definitely the lesser of the two species. It is kind of a cute one from far but not up close.

  19. Thanks Mike. I had to laugh at a friend of mine who is on vacation right now, he found a caterpillar and took a photograph to send me and was saying that his family thinks he is barmy!! I told him "Welcome to the club"!! LOL!!

    All these creatures are beautiful in their own way but I am not so sure about the tick in the previous post?

  20. Joan: Surprised you don't know it will turn into a beautiful butterfly. I'm so surprised you didn't know that!!!!!!!LOL

  21. Of course you are right Tom, what else could such a beautiful caterpillar turn into? :)

  22. I don't think he's ugly...I think he is cool looking... Michelle

  23. I am glad you agree with me Michelle. :)

  24. Lucky caterpillar! I love that you put him in your lunch box. How cute. And snuggy for him too I bet! :o)

  25. It was the only container I had with me Krista but the caterpiller definitely enjoyed the crumbs. :)

  26. You always take stunning macros...
    You have to teach me how.
    Bugs usually never stop and it's so difficult to be in the right perspective.

  27. Great close-ups! What a very bristly little guy :-)

  28. Thanks Andrea. I will take you bugging when you are here. :)

  29. Thanks Mary. I think it must make him hard to make a meal of. :)

  30. A really cute little guy. Such perfect close-ups too joan!

  31. Thanks becky. He was most obliging - actually I think it is just that he was hungry and was paying for his meal. :)
