Sunday, June 6, 2010

Don't disturb me.....

...I'm eating!!


  1. Brilliant, Joan. How are you? Have you finished your project. I've been quite busy with one of my own and not visited blogs much lately. Hope to change all that now and relax for the last six weeks of our stint here in North Africa. Blessings to you. Jo

  2. What an adorable picture, how did you get so close? Diane

  3. Your whimsical mouse eating his meal with chewed on ears reminds me of the squirrels around here and even the mother raccoon whose ears got notches in them as well. I think they do this, when babies, chewing on each others ears. This one sure made a priceless photo.

  4. Wonderful picture.
    I like very much the background too.

  5. Joan: Really neat critter capture of the little mouse. You got a great photo with lots of detail.

  6. Must be a tree mouse with tatty ears
    or its been tagged for ID,

  7. Hi Joan Ah! what sweetness this little mouse

    P.S. Tu sei una persona molto acuta e una grande osservatrice, sei l'unica che ha capito che due delle mie foto "Riflessi" erano invertite, sei una forza Joan!!! A kiss for you

  8. Really cute how his hand is gripping onto his meal. And the look he's giving you is priceless!

  9. I love it! Just precious Joan! !
    I'd like to see a book called"An Amazing Look Into the Secret world of Insects and Beyond"

  10. Thanks Jo. No, I am still busy with my project but I am getting there. :)

    I did not realize you were not there permanently Jo and I am sure you will be very happy to get back to SA and especially the grandchildren. I hope you can meet up sometime when you get back. I am in Pretoria so if you ever head this way, lets get together.

  11. Thanks Dian. I came around a corner in a path and there he was so I stopped and edged closer until I was about 3 feet away from him. He was quite happy to have his picture taken. :)

  12. Thanks Abe. I have wondered about those chewed ears. Guess if you are hungry, just have a nibble on your siblings ear. :)

  13. Thanks Andrea. There was a great space behind him so no clutter in the picture.

  14. Thanks Tom. I was lucky to have my macro lens on at the time.

  15. I think it is just a tatty one Tony. :)

  16. Grazie Sciarada. Ho pensato che il topolino è uscito molto bene. Era così carino. :)

    Credo perché ho vissuto così a lungo con la natura, è facile per me vedere che le due immagini sono state riflessioni. Inoltre, essendo interessato a insetti è il mio il mio occhio più sensibile al rispetto delle cose come questa. :)

  17. I think he was most annoyed with me for trespassing Diane. LOL!!

  18. Ah, the book is coming Becky but it is going to take a few years still to get there. Unless I can get funded to do this on a permanent basis of course. :) I have often wondered if I should advertise that I am looking for some? It would be wonderful!!

  19. Giggle, giggle. I read before I saw the photo and my first thought was: "Oh no! not chocolate cake and I'm not invited!" I'm off to view your insect identification site now.

  20. This one is a cute photograph and you managed to get so close well done :)

  21. Great shot Joan! He looks like a little scraper with his ears all chewed up. Probably a veteran of many fights with other mice or larger rodents... "Kid Notched ears" will be on the card for saturday's fights. LOL

  22. Seems serious about that. Looks like a scraper with it's ears nicked. Was that in the yard?

  23. Hello Anne. I will NEVER have chocolate cake without inviting you and Gaelyn. :) I know better than that!! LOL!!

  24. Thanks Philip. He was very co-operative. :) Wish I could say the same for all my subjects. :)

  25. Maybe they have been watching Fight Night Mike? LOL!!

  26. No Gaelyn, in a park across town where I went to take pictures. Too amny cats around where I live.

  27. This one deserves a round of applause. What a find!!!

  28. Thanks Jonker. I was really happy to get these shots too. :)

  29. They say, and I don't remember who the expert(s) was, that your website or your blog name should be a good one and in it, is what you blog is all about. In that case "Bug Lady" is it. It says you are a lady whose telling all about bugs. Or knows all about bugs.

    I didn't really know this until after I had named my stuff.

    So, in reality, my Abe Lincoln Blogs tells people the blog is going to be able President Lincoln since his name is known around the world. It is hard for me to make a post about bugs or birds or anything else not related to Abe Lincoln in some way. So a lot of people come to it and wonder. Some think the name is a joke of some kind.

    It is something to consider. Naming your blog.

  30. Good advice there Abe. Thank you. I have to agree with you on the name. I sort of decided on SA Insects but that is so bland. I have always liked the name BUG Lady too since aPhilip gave it to me as that is exactly what I am. Well okay, I am not a bug but I LIKE bugs. LOL!!

  31. Wonderful rodent photograph - he does look hungry - suppose fattening up for lean winter months.

    Thanks for the many blog comments Joan.

  32. He is such a cute little fellow! As mice go!

  33. Thanks Jose. The right place, the right time. :)

  34. Thanks Zane. I dont think this one will starve as it is in a huge public park with lots of vegetation. :)

    You are welcome. I am pleased I was able to give you names for them. Those are great shots of the ladybird pupating.

  35. Hi Becky. Good to hear from you again. I dont think most people like mice but it is a cutie. :)

  36. What's this about chocolate cake? ;-)

  37. LOL!! Trust you to pick up on that Gealyn!! :)

    Dont worry, I wont have any without inviting you over. :)

  38. So nice of the little one to pose for you. I need to know how you get so close to your subjects. Be honest... you turn invisible; don't you?

  39. Now my secret is out!! Darn!! :)

    I guess it must be some kind of Indian blood in me or something Craver. To be honest I think it is just that I have developed the art of no sudden movements and go quietly. These are the two things which usually spook them away. So now you know, no dancing the jig and hollering!! LOL!! At least, not when you are out to get photos. :)
