Friday, June 4, 2010

Rhino beetle and mites

We seem to have a few species of Rhino Beetle here.
This one was covered by some kind of mite and I did not realize it until I hade these pictures on the screen and naturally, I had been handling it.
With all these things about, it is a wonder that I have not pick up some rare and exotic disease by now, keeled over and died.
I guess it is true what they say "Only the good die young" so must be pretty evil. :)
As soon as I let him go, he made a dive into the lawn and probably thought he was invisible.


  1. That is amazing, to pick up mites like that on camera is something my camera will never do. Hard enough to get to focus on the beetle, Great shots. Diane

  2. You seem to have so many more critters up there than down here by us. I also want pics of a rhino beetle. As for the bugs on the bug, thats just buggy.

  3. Very clever beetle. I like is friends too.

  4. Bugs on bugs on the Bug Lady. Good grief woman. Didn't look like the Rhino was bothered by the mites so maybe you won't either. Great macros as always.

  5. So beautiful.
    I have to come in South Africa in summertime,one of these years.

  6. So how do you comment or add photos to the new ZA insects site?

  7. Hi Joan
    Beetles are definitely not my favourite bug - and you handle them too - brave. I must post some tiny aphid pictures soon.

    Nasty looking beetle with many tiny hangers on. Well spotted.

  8. Makes me crawl just looking at him, but such awesome pictures Joan.

  9. Thanks Diane. The mites are so small they look like grains of sand so I did not notice them at first.

  10. LOL!! Bugs on bugs does sound disgusting Jonker. :) I am sure you have these beetles there too but as theyare so small, they are not easy to spot.

  11. LOL!! Thanks Abe but I can do without these things crawling over me. :)

  12. LOL!! Quite a mouthfull there Gaelyn. :) Sounds yucky!! My hide is tough so they can bite away and I probably will not feel it nor will they be very successful. :)

  13. Thans Andrea. I must agree with you but when you are here in August there should be some bugs around so we can go looking for some. I will take you to a favourite spot of mine if we have time. :)

  14. Gaelyn: I have taken comment off n the new site as I will never have time to answer them all. :)

    The photographs will be sbmitted to me via e-mail and I will post them on the site otherwise you have people trying to put all kinds of weird and wonderful pictures on it. LOL!!

  15. Thanks Zane. I like beetles. They are fascinating creatures. :) Just wat, sometime soon you will be handling them too. :)

    I did a couple of posts on them too if you are interested in seeing them:

    This one on Ants and Aphids might be of interest to you:

    I look forward to seeing your post.

  16. Thanks Becky. It is a yucky thing to think about. :)

  17. Joan: You have to be careful with those mites, you might get bit or eaten alive.

  18. Hi Joan,beautiful,beautiful,beautiful

  19. Cool shots of the mites Joan! Next you'll probably have a lens that can see the mites on the mites...
    It's like Jerry Garcia said in a cover tune, "There might be bugs on some of you mugs, but there ain't no bugs on me!" LOL :)
    Your a lot braver than I am, I didn't want to get too close to the tarantula Gaelyn found the other day!

  20. Thanks Tom. A person can pick up all kinds of nasties like this so I do try to be careful and luckily nothing has happened to me yet.

  21. Thanks Mike. For that I would need a microscope - my next piece of equipment I buy. :)

    I had to smile at Gaelyn's story on the tarantuala but they are big and ugly so I do not blame you for not liking them. :)

  22. Bug fever it makes you go out and take loys of pictures of BUGS :) nice shots Joan

  23. Wonderful observations,beautiful photography. ATB!

  24. That is a scary looking little beast....

  25. Oh my goodness... even your BUGS have bugs! LOL

    I always say my body is inhospitable to parasites... good thing! hehe

  26. OK, that makes sense. When I get some time, maybe next days off, I'll have to look closer at the site. Maybe I'll even have something to post there for IDing. ;-)

  27. We SOMEONE gave me the name of BUG LADY Philip and I have to live up to it. :)

  28. Thanks for visiting again Rusty. These are so small I did not see them at first. :)

  29. Thanks goodness it is small Michelle. :)

  30. Its a bugs world Krista. LOL!! I must have the constitution of a horse as nothing seens to get to me. :)

  31. That would be wonderful Gaelyn. I am going to put the persons name on the photographs they submit so who knows, you might become famous. :)

  32. Crikey! That picture with the mites is making me itch all over! Nice details, though!!

  33. That exactly how I feel when I see a picture of Elizabeth Taylor. LOL!! Thanks Craver. :)

  34. The beetle photos are fantastic and the fact that you also have great photos of those tiny mites is even more amazing! I doubt you qualify as "evil", but we're glad you are still alive and well and taking photos :-)

  35. LOL!! Thanks Mary for your confidence. :)
