Thursday, August 5, 2010

The park - Part 5 Final

For the final chapter in this series I thought I would just show some of the water features in the park and let the pictures speak for themselves.......


  1. Joan how beautiful and relaxing. Diane

  2. Any park with water features are well worth visiting. This looks like a super peaceful place.

  3. Looks like a beautiful and fun place for the kid in me. :)

  4. The only thing I love more than water features is building them... Beautiful place to be it looks to me!
    Did you get your feet wet?

  5. So lush and green. How come we didn't go there? ;)

  6. This beautiful and peaceful place is worth to visit. Just looking like a paradise. You captured these shots from amazing angles.

  7. Such a gorgeous park, that bench in the last one looks so inviting!

  8. It really is Diane and in the middle of the town too.

  9. For some reason water is always a peaceful sight to me Jonker. I love the sound of it.

  10. The kid would really enjoy it TB. There were a lot of people walking their dogs through it as there are not many other parks around.

  11. That must be the best job ever Mike. What pleasure you must get out of it.

    No feet wet this time as it was in the middle of winter. :)

  12. We went close by it Gaelyn and this is the one I told you I would not take you to as it was on my blog. :)

  13. Thanks Birdy. It is such a lovely place to visit and have a picnic.

  14. The perfect place to sit and absorb the quiet around one Diane.

  15. Thanks for visiting and commenting Glen. This park is so lovely in the summer. I looked at your site and you do have a wide spectrum of pictures you take.

  16. So tempting to go and look for bugs in all that greenery.

    I know Jonker has a collection of parks in the Port Elizabeth area - seems like up north is no different. It is good to know that all cities are not just concrete jungles!

  17. I would love to walk here, sit for a spell and take in deep breaths. I actually can imagine the wonderful smells!

  18. There are not many bugs there Zane. It is in the middle of town and most people around there use pesticides to wipe them out unfortunately.

  19. It is beautiful Becky and so peaceful. I can spend the whole day there laying on the grass, wandering about and having a picnic.

  20. How beautiful and a wonderful habitat too.....

  21. It is Michelle. These pictures were taken in the middle of our winter too and you can see how green it is still.

  22. Lovely! I always like places with water.

  23. Joan beautiful place, just like from the movie. Thanks for sharing. Anna :)

  24. You are welcome Anna. Just yesterday I was telling someone about this park and how great it would be for some pictures he is wanting to take of his daughter.
