Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Outdoor Show - Part 1

Because we are blessed with the most beautiful climate here, most of our activities are based around the outdoors, including in winter, when the days are sunny and mild. We had an outdoor exhibition over the weekend and I went to see what they had on show.

One section was a fun fair for the children and these boys were having a ball!! Oh wait, that is not quite right, they were IN a ball. No, not right either, they were in a ball having a ball!! There!! Got it!! :)
There were all kinds of rides to be had including this merry-go-round for the little ones.
And something for those a bit older. At the top you can see some boys sitting. The machine would then whip them around as I drew the arrows. It would make my heart sit in my mouth if I tried it so like Craver, I decided to let the other brave souls try it and I just watched. LOL!!
Adults and children alike enjoyed going for a stately ride on the camels, but getting down was not stately at all!! :)
"Oh, are you SURE I am not looking in the right direction?" LOL!! I guess maybe some find it easier if they cannot see what is going on. :)
They had a Bell helicopter to take people for flips too and this was more my style as I love flying and have been in these before.
It seems like everyone had fun but I could tell when they got out that some had wobbly legs after the trip. :)


  1. You see I am here looking at your photos :) I think the helicopter rid looks safer as well and MAYBE the big ball before I eat LoL !!

  2. LOL!! Thanks Philip. It is always wonderful to have you visit and comment.

    I love flying and have done so in all kinds of crafts so I do not need to worry about not having breakfast. LOL!!

    One time in Disneyland, my son wanted to go on this ride. It was a tower almost as tall as the Hillbrow Tower. It had a cage on the outside and when you got to the top it would suddenly drop back down. This left your heart in your mouth and, if you did not have a strong stomach, I do not need to tell you what happened to the breakfast. LOL!! The worst was he wanted to go about 5 times until I eventually said no. :)

    The moral of this story is dont take your children to Disneyland!! :) Well okay, take them but just miss the tower.

    Is it getting warmer by you too? The days have been really wonderful year and I see some of the trees are starting to bloom but I know your area is always a few weeks behind.

  3. A little warmer thanks still picking up leaves in my garden I also have been to Disneyland space mountain in the dark Yikes LoL !!

  4. The helicopter would be fine, but funfair things that spin and go up and down are not for me any more. Getting too old for that! As a teenager I used to love that thing called an octopus, but 'me thinks' my stomach would not handle it now a days! Diane

  5. Poor you Philip!! :) I am sure the kids enjoyed it. :)

    Hopefully this will be the last of the leaves and maybe soon we will get some rain. I need to be out and after the bugs. LOL!!

  6. Looks like a fun time was had by all! The kids in the plastic ball looked a little scary though... but fun!

  7. Looks like a great time was had by all! I'll take the helicopter over the fair rides, any day!

  8. Having a ball in a ball looks like a ball. LOL! But I think maybe the merry-go-round may be more my speed. So did you take a ride in the helicopter?

  9. Joan, you documented the show very beautifully. I'm too faint-hearted to participate in any event in the shows like this. I only enjoy watching others. Probably camel riding will suit me.

  10. This sounds like fun! I would love to try the ball thing, it must be quite a sensation! :-)

  11. Looks like an all fun time except I don't like rides in those spinning devices! Carousels are more my speed, and I would even ride the camel.

  12. Those where having a whale of a time Mike. The idea is that you stand inside it and try to walk it to the other side of the pond but they were jumping and turning sommersaults in it. LOL!!

  13. They are all fun Krista but the helicopter is the best by far. :)

  14. Not this time Gaelyn, but I have been in one so many times before. The last was over the Grand Canyon. What a fantastic flight that was!! It is unbelievable to look down on them.

  15. I must admit that these things are not for everyone Birdy but we all have things we not not enjoy.

  16. If you could have heard how these kids were enjoying themselves, it made me want to go inside one as well. :) Thanks Jose.

  17. You sure do have to have the stomach for most of those rides Becky as they are not for the faint hearted. :)

  18. Looks like a fun day with all the usual attractions. I can never understand why camel rides are so popular. It looks so unconfortable.

  19. Definitely worse than riding a horse Jonker!! Not to mention the smell!! LOL!!

  20. You are right about the fear factor on that ride. I don't like anything that simulates falling.

    The helicopter ride would be fun, though! I had to laugh, because of the "XX" on the side. That is the name of a Mexican beer (Dos Equis). I had one last night. I'd have to think twice before going up in a helicopter named after a beer.

  21. Mabye it was sponsored by the beer company or else was a Booze Cruise? :) It is not the falling I mind but the landing. LOL!! Thanks Craver.

  22. It seems as though it was a decent carnival - no rusty old rides.

    I would call myself middle-aged, but the kids can have the rides all to themselves.

    Enjoyed this carnival theme post Joan.

  23. I hate to admit this Zane but as old as I am, I still enjoy doing some of these things. :) I even still go to see Disney movies. LOL!!

  24. Hey, that's not fair. Even I haven't flown over the Grand Canyon. I'll bet it was awesome.

  25. Looks like a lot of fun to be had there. My grandson had a lot of fun in one of those balls on the lake at the Board Walk - I am tempted to give it a try as well.
    Camel rides were offered in quite a few tourist spots in Turkey, but they were really manky camels. I think I may just delve into the archives. Could be some interesting material.
    BTW the T-Rex is priced around $50,000 depending on the model.

  26. It was STUNNING Gaelyn!! You are missing out by not going. If I remember correctly, the airport we flew out of was near Flagstaff.

  27. I always wonder why us grown-ups have lost the enjoyment of doing things like this. Our society is always telling us to "grow up" and to me that is a big problem. Just look back and see how happy we were as children. We did not care if we got dirty or people looked at us, so why should we now?

    I see here they offer camel rides at most of the fairs they have and it is something one has to experience. :)

    That is a good price Max. The one you featured is also much nicer looking than the Spyder.

  28. I love the ball thing...That is really a lot of different activities... Most would make me have wobbly legs...LOL...

  29. I had to laugh at those kids. It was pure joy and fun for them. LOL!! Not sure I would want to try it either. :)

  30. Those balls look like a lot of fun for kids to play in :-) I used to love amusement park rides, but I think the body would protest these days. The helicopter looks fun. I would like to go up in one sometime. I'd like to do a balloon ride, too.

  31. I guess as we get older our bodies are not as flexible as they used to be.:)

    If you ever get the chance to go in either, do so Mary. They are both wonderful experiences.

  32. Joan oh this is the park I need to visit. So many cool things, especially a camel ride. I sat once on one for one dollar when traveling in Turkey, lol. Anna :)

  33. One dollar just to sit on it? That was highway robbery!! LOL!!

    I have to admit I have never ridden on one either Anna. Seems like I am always taking picture and miss out on the fun of the rides. :)
