Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The first day of spring

Today is officially the first day of spring here in sunny South Africa and for the past few years, have celebrated it in a very unique way.
We have a charity organization for children to which you donate R5 and in return receive a button for it. This entitles you to wear any clothes you want for today, no matter what your work's dress code. Neat hey? What a great way to collect funds and have some fun too!!
So South Africa, HAPPY SPRING DAY!!

Most of our trees are already in bloom and the public swimming pools open today. The doves and other birds are making nest and love is in the air.

Mainly Mongoose has a lovely story of mating mongoose today, do check it out by clicking on the link here or in my sidebar.


  1. Yes Joan HAPPY SPRING DAY !! yep I feel better already ( ear coming right ) nice shots I cannot wait for my Garden to start as well :))

  2. Hello Philip. Pleased to hear things are going better. I love working in the garden and watching plants start to shoots out and buds forming. If I had my way, it would always be spring. :)

  3. This post is not good news for me!!! I don't even want to think about happy autumn day:-( Oh well it is 28 degrees C here today and looks like staying there for at least another week so I will enjoy it while I can.:-) Diane

  4. Happy Spring day, Joan. I wish I was there! I love the idea of civvies day and see it all over if we visit the cities on this day. I saw a man in a [Scottish] kilt in Bloemfontein, and a young woman in a bridal gown. In the mall, in the middle of the day! Have a wonderful day. Blessings Jo

  5. so your spring coincides with our fall weather. I did not know that. do you have cold weather any time? is spring when the rains come? you can tell i know nothing about South Africa at all except for your wildlife and insect photos are magnificent.

  6. The flowers are beautiful and I love the idea of wearing anything you want. (She said as she pulls another uniform out of the closet.) But if it's spring there, it must be almost fall here and that means winter soon. Yuck!

  7. You should Diane, soon it will be winter and everything will be a dull white colour. :) You should now come back here for 6 months, then go back there for that summer. What a pleasure it would be having perpetual summer. :) Wishful thinking!!

  8. Thank Jo. :) I think some people might take Casual Day a bit too far don't you think? LOL!! Anyway, I think it is a great idea.

  9. Thanks Sandra. Yes, our seasons are the complete opposite of yours. Most of our rainfall is during the summer months although some areas do get a bit in winter.

    There are vast differences in climate from north to south. The south gets snow in winter (not as much as you do though) but as you go further north you come to the Tropic of Capricorn where I live. We have a few cold days a year and the nights are cooler, but the days are wonderful and warm and I am always go to work in short sleeve tops. :)

  10. LOL!! Poor you!! A uniform does save a lot on clothes though so I guess it is not too bad. Yes, soon your season will be over but I think you still have a couple of months to work don't you before everything closes.

    I am so please when this time of year coms around again. It is starting to look so beautiful with everythin in bloom but will not look its best till the first rains. Things are very dust and dirty right now.

  11. The uniform does make dressing rather mindless. Except for deciding what jewelry to wear.

    Only have 1.5 months left. Then, probably back to Yarnell. Unless I get a better offer.

  12. Happy Spring. Spring truly is in the air down here too.

  13. I love those pink flowers! Happy Spring! Seems so odd when we are heading into the dying time of fall, that you are getting ready for the new birth of spring.

  14. Happy Spring Day to you Joan!
    I agree with you, very neat way of collecting money for children :)

    Your first picture is gorgeous, what a pretty pink! I love it :)

  15. The blooming frangipani is what I most like here. I have a thing for this plant! :-)

  16. Happy Spring Day!! I like that idea about the buttons.

  17. Yeah, at least you can vary the uniform with that. :)Have you applied for somewhere else for the winter Gaelyn?

  18. I am please to hear that Jonker as it can be quite a bit cooler there by you.

  19. Thanks Mary. They are Frangipani and come in the most wonderful colors and smell heavenly.

  20. Thanks for visiting Wendy. The pink Frangipani is one of my favorites but then I have a soft spot for roses too and orchids and lilies and ..... :)

  21. That makes two of us Jose. I dont know about there, but we have them in the most wonderful colours. When I go for a walk, I always pick a flower somewhere and smell it as I go along.

  22. Thanks Craver. I think it is a neat idea and everyone joins in.

  23. I've applied to Death Valley, Joshua Tree, Carlsbad Caverns and will to Big Bend if they post positions. I won't hold my breath for any of them. Winter work is even More competitive, especially in warm climate parks. Probably just return to Yarnell and collect unemployment.

  24. Well maybe you need a well earned rest. Dealing with people like you do can be a pain. :)

  25. Yes, I prefer to only work 6 months a year. But..... was thinking of upgrading the RV.

  26. Oh dear, that can cost plenty! I guess having to use it for two does mean some changes should be made and that piece you were talking about that extends it outside sounds great. Well maybe something will come along for you for the winter.

  27. Happy spring Joan!
    Besides other joys and opportunities, it will provide you with lot of shooting opportunities. Nice to hear that you have a charity organization for kids. Always wish to be a part of such great organizations.

  28. Thanks Birdy. This organization mostly support kids with disabilities and I am so glad to see that it is well supported. Maybe you could start something like that there too?

  29. Have a great Spring Joan as I get ready for its opposite season. FAB.

  30. How wonderful. Spring is my favorite time of the year. Love the smell in the air and all the gorgeous flowers.

  31. Thanks Frank. It is good to hear from you again. Hope things are going well with you.

    Yes, you are heading for colder weather which I am sure you are not looking forward to.

  32. Thanks Michelle. :) I cannot tell you how much I have been looking forward to warmer weather.

  33. If I had it my way, it would always be sring Becky. Of all the seasons I love it best.

  34. I'd just prefer to follow a perpetual summer.

  35. Me too. So now the question is, how are we going to manage to do this. And ideas. :)
