Friday, June 10, 2011

Autumn Walk _ Part 5

Getten towards the winter, I am finding a lot of larvae stuck to almost every surfice. Come summer I may be lucky enough to catch something emerging from a few of them.
 Such a pretty flower. I wonder what it is called?
 I did it!! I did it!! All summer long these Hover Flies have been flying around the one tree in the garden but they never land on anything and so it is almost impossible to get a shot of them. I decided to see if I could get a picture of it in flight but had to laugh at myself while trying as I know it is almost an impossible theing to do. :) Guess what?? I got one!! LOL!! Well okay, to be honest I must have got about 5 other horribly out of focus shots too before I gave up trying. :)
 One of the nice things about having dung laying about the lawn is that a lot of insects are attracted to it. You should try putting some on your lawn and see for yourself if you dont believe me. LOL!!
 found this Spider Dung Beetle rolling a ball of zebra dung. Oh what a smell!! :) A single egg is layed in the middle of this, then it is buried under the ground.
 This fly took off just as I approached it on the same mound of Zebra dung but the picture is too bad for me to identify it even though it has a very distinctive yellow mark on its back. If anyone can tell me what it is, please do. I have an idea it might be a scavenger fly.
 An Elegant Grasshopper just getting its wings.
 How pretty this millipeded is with its orange stripes.

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