Monday, March 25, 2013

Bal-byter Ant (Camponotus fulvopilosus)

This is a large ant but would not stay still for one minute to allow me to get some decent shots of it.
 As can be seen by the large head, this is a worker. They do not sting but spray formic acid at attackers by tucking in the abdomen forwards under the thorax.
 They nest in soil below large rocks, fallen trees and bases of small bushes and are found in small colonies.
Info: Field Guide to Insects of South Africa


  1. Not sure I would like to meet that on a dark night. Cod for dinner tonight if you want to join us :-) Have a good week Diane

  2. Some of these critters are really nasty looking. LOL!! Thanks Diane, will be ther at 7pm. :)
