Saturday, March 23, 2013

Common Dotted Border (Mylothris agathina)

Family Pieridae
 I found this pupa and put it in a bottle to see what would develop and it turned into a beautiful butterfly.
 They are large with a wingspan of 58-75mm.
 The outer margins of their wings, both upper and lower, have an unmistakable margin of black dots along the border.
 Found along the eastern and coastal areas.
Info: Field Guide to Insects of South Africa


  1. Always such a pleasure to watch this process.

  2. Not sure I recognise this one. Very pretty. Have a good weekend Diane

  3. Thanks Gaelyn. I wish I could have got pics of it actually emerging but I always seem to miss it. :)

  4. They are quite common here Diane but maybe not in Zim? Hope you are having a great weekend too.
