Can you see something in this first picture?

Closer and side view....

Look carefully and you can make out its antennae and legs but it has covered itself with bark and stones.

I have asked around and no one can tell me what it is. There are a few species which cover themselves like this but most are worms without antennea and legs. Any ideas what it might be?
What a mysterious bug Joan! Enlarged the images, but didn't get any idea.
But I never saw something like this.
Did you see the whole body?
We could also think it could not be an insect.
Maybe a ground shrimp or a ground crab.
What was the location?
Close to some permanent water?
Maybe a larva:in this case everything becomes really difficult...
I would never notice this fellow! Amazing mimetism!
It does look a litle like a crawfish, or crawdad. What sort of tail did it have? Was it flat and lobster like? I have seen shrimp (in salt water tanks) that disguise themselves in this manner - but a land critter? Just making a wild guess! ATB!
Ahhh mixing sand with the claymations... nice touch Joan!
This is a wierd one Birdy. I sent the picture to an entomologist and he could not tell me what it is either.
This is the most I could see of it Andrea. It is small, maybe 5mm in length but was in the middle of the bush not near any water. Those are bits of bark on its back. I am trying to find time to send these pictures to another enotmologist I know to see if he perhaps can identify it. Thinking about it now, I should have collected it and brought it home to see what, if anything developed from it. A most unusual bug for sure. I was actually hoping you might have had some ideas on it.
It sure is Jose and I wish I knew what it was. Maybe a new species? :)
It looked more like a small grasshopper in disguise Rusty but on the other hand, unlike anything I have ever seen before. I tried to get pictures of it from all angles but it is too well disguised.
Ah now Craig, there you go blowing my secrets again!! LOL!! But you have to admit I am getting better and better. LOL!!
How frustrating not to be able to ID it, yet how exciting to find it...Michelle
Looks like it could be an "ant lion." I have a few around my home that leave little funnels all in the ground of loose dirt and bark. They also have some very large jaws for their size. I tried to catch one an get it out of its hole but they are extremely fast! :o)
Another interesting post on something I would totally have missed.
I am so sorry that this ^%#&$ is messing up your life so much. Us PE boytjies can go and sort him out for you if you want. The sooner the better cause with you blog private my blog following reader doesn't pick up your new posts and I don't always see if there is anything without actually opening the blog. Good luck with this issue.
You are right on both accounts Michelle. :)
Ah, there is a trick to it Ken. LOL!! I wil share my secret of catching antlions with you.
Thanks, but this is not one of them as it has antennae and not pincers. But a good guess though. :) Thanks for trying to help.
Things like this are not difficult to miss Jonker and very difficult to find. :)
Yeah, please put your gang together and go get him good. The *&%$#@&*. He is psychotic!! I feel sorry for his family!!
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