We are now almost in the middle of winter, so there is nothing very spectacular to take photographs of.
There were still two little Barberton Daisies in the front garden all the rest have died off already.

On one of the plants I found this. These bugs are smaller than a pins head, about 1mm, and you can hardly see it with the naked eye. I had to put it on the computer to enlarge it before I could make out anything, and still cannot tell what kind they are.

Around the side of the house, this tree is only now getting its autumn colors.

This is a very unusual looking plant and I do not know what it is called. It has the big tuber for a body out of which the few leaves and flowers shoot. The tuber part is about 6” in height.

While a little bit further on, this confused one is starting to get new leaves. LOL!!

This pretty little Iris was hiding away in the shelter of some grass.

I don’t know if you know these plants at all – they are called air-plants and do not need soil in which to grow. You can take a piece of it and hang it up somewhere by a piece of string and it will grow. The leaves are always pointing upwards in order for it to collect rain or moisture, or you can take a piece and place it in the crook of a tree like this one and it will grow there too. I have never seen any flowers on these although there are a few species about. I don’t know what they are called, where they come from, or if they are indigenous to SA but they are quite interesting plants.

On another tree, I found this tiny little orchid starting to shoot out. How it got there I do not know, but it must be fairly new as the leaves are each about 1” in length.

It does not matter where you go, which season it is, you can always depend on the geraniums to make a splash of color.