Early morning and there are about 30 birds sitting outside the window in the tree waiting to be fed and making one hang of a racket. This was taken through the glass so it is not so good, but you can also see how misty it is in the background.

Even at 10pm, it was still cold outside although the sun is shining, but it has no warmth today so I have not been able to sit outside. I decided to take a walk down the road and found another pray mantis sac of eggs. This is the second one I know of around here and will be watching them to see when they hatch. There was also a very large bagworm hanging from a tree waiting for warmer weather. (Me too…no, I am not a bag or a worm!! I am waiting for warmer weather! LOL!!)

Did you know that you can grow roses from seed? Did you know they had seed?

The reason why the nurseries do not do so is because it is much more difficult than growing it from a cutting.

Poor old Petunias!! They are definitely on their last legs…a bit like me. LOL!! But I see there are new buds starting out there too.

The gooseberry bush is definitely at the end of its season. They get fruit in winter but the bush looks sad with just these few fruits still on it. I ate the ripe one and it was lovely and sweet.

Hmmm!! Dipped in fresh cream they are as delicious as strawberries.

The Lantana have no more flowers on them so there is not a butterfly to be seen. It is dreary out there and I headed back home to a cup of coffee and a slice of pizza. Now THERE’s a good breakfast for you!! I guess I will curl up with a book and try to keep warm inside. Maybe later it will get warmer!!