Across from the beach there is a lovely shopping mall called the Boardwalk. It is built around a lovely pond filled with koi. The shops sell everything you can wish for while on holiday, from pancakes to steak, ice cream and sodas and one place has the most divine chocolate cake. :)

One morning early I was on my way to the end of the pier to take shots of the sunrise over the sea but it was too cloudy and instead took this shot of the entrance to the Boardwalk. It being Christmas, everything was lit up in colored lights. Do enlarge it to see it better.

There were hundreds of birds fishing one morning and there must have been plenty of sardines or something for them. The corner of the bench sticking out on the left hand site of this photo is where I spend many wonderful hours just watching the sea, birds, people and ships.

At low tide the rocks can be seen covered with oysters, muscles and clams.

During a stroll along the beach on the last day I was there, I found this amazing stone within a stone and it reminded me of lovers who are so close to one another that nothing can seperate them or tear them apart.

Update 22/03/2010: These were the four happiest days of my life and ones I will never forget as long as I live. I shared them with someone special who has now gone. It was a time of love, joy and laughter, ones of future happiness and bright prospects. How can we ever fortell what the future holds for us but memories like this will never fade, nor will my love for you LTF.
The stone looks like an egg, and who knows what may hatch....maybe some kind of cool bug.
I went to college in Santa Cruz, and we had a boardwalk there with lots of amusement park rides and shops and places to entertain the mind in so many ways. The architecture of your boardwalk looks really neat, a large part of it being in blue.
I haven't been there for such a long time so I think it's time for a visit again there are so many places in SA to visit do you have a post any where of GODS WINDOW
Hello Bernie. That would be exciting wouldn't it. :)
The Boardwalk also had an amusment park on one side of it and a stage for putting on shows. A very interesting place.
Hello Philip. I was last there in about 1964 so it was interesting to see all the changes there especially for the games later this year.
I sent you an e-mail of the post I did on the Eastern TVL/Mpumalanga but there are no pictures with it. Let me know if you received it and if you want me to send you some pictures.
Port Elizabeth looks like paradise :) The second picture is my favorite, I love it. It's too bad that it was cloudy but the picture still turned out quite lovely.
Joan: Wonderful photos from your get-a-way by the sea.
The way you chose to look at that stone warms my heart. For me, it reminds me of something I would have picked up as a child, and batted to see how far it could go. How big was it?
I like them all specially the second one of the boardwalk at night/morning. Well done! Joan. Next time invite me too when you down here :)
Oh!! Sorry that stone I am sure I have seen one just like that on the beach.
You simply cannot imagine how inviting your beach scenes are as I sit here looking at snow covered ground, leafless trees and a gray sky. Thanks so much for sharing your warmth.
Wonderful! I'm really looking forward to seeing the PE beaches. Love the stone and metaphor. ;-)
Thanks Leeloo. It can also be quite windy on that part of the coast but I was lucky with the weather when I was there.
Thanks Tom. It was a great week.
Hello Caver. It is about the same length as an egg but flatter. I guess I must be a romantic to see things like that in a stone. LOL!! Please dont let my secret out. :) I like my supposed "tough cookie" image. :)
Thanks Lawrence. I will look you up the next time I am there. LOL!
That is a very special stone Lawrence and something unique or maybe just my way of looking at it.
Poor you Marvin. I am pleased if my pictures bring some warmth into your life.
Hello Gaelyn. I must admit there are much better areas of our coastline which I will show you but it was nice to be able to get back down there after so many years of seeing it last.
It looks like a wonderful place to relax. I'm sure you had a great time Joan. We saw a great big screen movie on South African wildlife in Colorado last week with the grandchildren. I sure wish I could visit there sometime.
Hi Joan, It's good to see that you got a little salt water in your summer.
Just a day at the beach 'eh? Now that's the life!
Great post J
A beautiful view and chocolate cake...sounds good to me! The stone is very pretty....a nice memory of your day at the beach:-)
I love the discription of that stone! !
Inviting water scenes too.
Thanks TB. It was great. If you ever come down this way you have to look me up so I can show you around. Being a tour guide for so many years, it is something I love doing. :)
Hello Steve. I am not crazy about swimming in it though as I hate the sand which gets into places I dont want it too. :)
Thanks Craig. It was good to get away for a bit.
Thanks Mary. I have a definite weakness for chocolate cake. LOL!!
Thanks Becky. That stone was really pretty and I gave it to a friend of mine.
Hey Joan~! Wow, I haven't blogged for a while! Holidays sure make me lazy...
That rock looks so unique! Very interesting indeed. Some lovely photos of PE - I hope you enjoyed your holiday! 2010 will definitely be an exciting year!
Hello Sreddy. Where have you been? Missed you!! :) 2010 promises to be the best year of my life!! :) Cant tell you why yet. :)
Never cared much for oysters or muscles but clams I can eat by the baskets full. The mall looks like a very nice place to hang out during the day when there is no place else to go, sort of reminds me of Santa Barbra, Ca.
I was watching a video last evening, dealing with our current extinction event and they were collecting fossils in SA form the Permian Era, they also spoke of the KT event. That looked like a fun thing to do, it would make for a good hobby, collecting and photographing them. : )
Hello Ken. No creepy crawlies for me thanks. :) I like Santa Barbra, we spend some great times on the beach there.
That fossil collection is something I do not know about. I mean that Iknow there are a few sites where this is going on like the Sterkfontein Caves which is not too far from where I live. I would love to get involved in projects like this. Send me more info on that and the KT even via e-mail please.
I like very much your words about the stone.
Thanks Andrea. Sometimes I probably see thing like this which most people wouldn't. Maybe I am a romantic at heart and just won't admit it. :)
I like the stone.
Thanks Jim.
Joan, not only we can be artists, but nature too. That is some nice finding. And btw great images again. Anna :)
Thanks Anna. It has been the most ralaxing time I have had in many years and could do with a break like this on a more regular basis. :)
It is so odd to think of Christmas with no snow..but at this point, I would love to see and watch the birds.. The rock story is very sweet.. I think hubby's and my rock would have many cracks from all the years and the challenges.. but still be together..Michelle
Hello Michelle. Our typical Christmas lunch is a BBQ at the pool with watermelon for desert, so tey, it is very different to yours. :)
We all have those cracks but the bond can never be broken.
LUL MD and will always think of the time we managed to spend together. It will live on in my memory forever and I thank you for it. Always remember 227 and 281209 I know I will!
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