During a long weekend I spent in a small town called Warmbaths, I stayed at a camping site which had a tiny cirtus orchid on one side. It was amazing to see what insects were attracted to the flowers which were in bloom.

Some kind of a fly....


Ant and tiny spider....

More ants....

The plant that attracts most here is the Fever tree especially when its in blossom, and another reason why all the smaller birds at one time of the day will come to feed.
that is also a strange thing, i have never seen two species of birds feeding at the same time in this tree. but when there is no blossom they will perch together.
"Ons is in Warmbad hier in die Noord Transvaal, ons bly hier in 'n chalet en my pa betaal..." Sorry, but I just thought of the Leon Schuster song.
Geez, how small is that spider. Great spotting it.
I have seen the feeding frenzy that goes on in them Tony. It is also a good time to photograph the bees which come to it.
It seems like strange behavious that they do not feed together.
Dit is altyd goed as iemand anders kan betaal Jonker. :)
It was a tiny one and I almost missed it. :)
Lovely photos Joan, especially that third one. You captured the Swamp fly quite well. I see them around here too. I must say though, that I have never seen a Lady Bug or Bird, which ever side of the pond one may be on, of that color or design, very unique.
Ken : )
Those are lovely photos you've captured there, Joan! Wow, I can't believe that the spider is smaller that the ant :) Do they use these flowers to make perfume?
I hope you enjoy your week! It's back to school on Wednesday for me.
Those are awesome photos!! What kind of lens do you use to take these?
That ladybug looks pretty neat :)
Thanks Ken. :) We have the most fantastic ladybugs here in all kinds of colors. Some of them have stripes instead of the more rounded patterns.
Thanks Sreddy. Some of out spiders are very hard to spot.
The few orange trees which were there are really rundown and I dont think they even pick the fruit off it let alone use it for anything else. I really love the smell of them.
Good luck at school this year. I am sure you will do brilliantly again. :)
Thanks Leeloo. They were taken with a 105mm macro lens which give quite a lot of detail on pictures like this.
Joan: The bug life was certainly impressive on the flowers.
Joan nice pic's. Warmbaths.... I can do with a cold shower right now LOL!
Very nice bug shots as always. These flowers seem to attract a bit of everything. I like that last shot for the color in it.
Thanks Tom. These only a few of what I saw on them.
Thanks Lawrence. I agree, it sure was a hot day today and it looks as if we are heading for a storm again tonight which will be nice.
Thanks Mary. I must I agree with these insects, there are very few smells nicer than citrus trees.
Warmbaths? There is a city in the Philippines called Los Baños, which I suppose would be its Spanish counterpart. Los Baños means the baths, and it is so named because of warm underground springs.
Stunning photos, Joan! I especially like the sharp details on that fly.
Thanks Craver. This is also a hot water mineral spring. People go there for its healing properties.
ah Joan... you sure know how to bring the beautiful colors of the micr plant and animal world to life. It's made me pay a lot more attention to the tiny things. Thanks! :)
I hope the warm baths were as interesting as all the bugs. Citrus is a smell I'd be attracted to also. Great macros Joan.
Lovely as usual! Thank you again!
Hello Gaelyn. I did not go to the baths themselves as I was too busy looking for bugs. :) I was last ther about 40 years ago. The town and everything has changed a lot since then.
I am glad I can show you a virtually unknown part of nature TB. A fascinating one too.
You are very welcome Päivi. :)
That orchid must have had some powerful scent.
The fly does have pretty colors in the wings, and I'm wondering if that ant is sneaking up on the little spider for lunch?
It is a beautiful small Becky and reminds me of driving through California.
I wonder if it was not the spider spying the ant out for lunch? :) As small as he is, he is quite capable of it.
I really need to take some lesions from you Joan when I look for Bugs I just see my roses and other plants eaten by them they hide when I come maybe they are trying to tell me something :)
LOL!! Spray your roses etc with soapy water as it keeps most bugs off them. They probably think you are After them with the Doom insead of a camera and that is why they hide Philip.
Come over for stalking lessons anytime. I have it down to a fine art now. :)
Yup...looked at the spider photo..no problem..LOL..I have been tracking down the ID on two caterpillar photos I took this summer. BugGuide and Whats that bug have been great. Now I have to post them and everyone will go..'ewwwwwweeerrrrr'...Michelle
LOL!! It is so great to have those sites which you can use for identification Michelle. I am looking forward to seeing them.
Great shots, Joan. I, too, especially like that ladybug/bird.
Thanks Marvin. Hopefully it is going to start warming up soon by you so you can start posting some of your interesting bugs too.
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