For the identification of insects and other fauna and flora of South Africa.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Odds and Ends - Part 12

I am always trying to get a good shot of the moon without much success. Seems like I am good at small, close-up stuff but not large, distant stuff. Maybe it is because I have a lousy lens? Anyway, this is about as good as it gets for me. :)
One night I was trying again and managed to get the leaves of a plant against its background which did not look too bad.
I have no idea what plant this is. It is small and almost like a ground cover but with very hairy leaves which the ants seem to love for some reason.
Poor little locust!! So shy and trying to hide away from me. I have an idea this might be a Desert Locust which are quite common here in our gardens and is of medium size.
This was the srtangest fungi I have seen. It does not have a stem at all so grows very close to the ground and reminded me of potatoes.
They grow as a family and these were almost hidden by the grass. The largest of them (below) is about 5 inches in diameter and very spongy.
This stinkbug has spent the whole winter inside my lounge against the wall and between the bricks. Even with me taking the camera close to it, there was no movement. The days are getting warmer so soon I expect it to move back outside.


Jo said...

Oh your second shot of the moon is FANTASTIC! You cannot ask for better. I love it. And I always enjoy your close ups of flora and bugs that I should, but don't know that well. Have a wonderful day. Jo

MadSnapper n Beau said...

all of these are really interesting to me. that fungi especaily. but that moon shot with the leaves is spetacular! and so is the sunrise coming up behind the trees on the side bar beside it.

troutbirder said...

I hate to tell you Joan but these strange plants are alien species from another galaxy. The plants are sent first to colonize, then the giant bugs will arrive later to take over.

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

Thanks Jo. You have a good day too.

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

Thanks Sandra. I like both those pics too.

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

LOL!! I hate to be the bearer of bad tiding Ray but those big bugs have already arrived. :)

Juan C. Aguero said...

Hello Joan thanks for your comments and for your photos.

Diane said...

Joan that picture of the plant against the moon is stunning. I tried to take a picture of the moon this morning as it looked interesting, but my camera cannot cope. Good job I can just delete!! Diane

Gaelyn said...

Those moon shots are really not so bad. Some very unusual plants, hairy and spongy.

Andrea said...

I really like the last shot.
We could call it: "when art and nature meet each other"

Andrea said...

And don't worry about the moon:it's very difficult to take a picture without a telescope...
I also tried many times...

Unknown said...

At first I didn't realize the ant was walking on leaves and I thought those were hairy cacti! :-)
I've given up taking moon shots, wish mine were as good as yours! :-)

Becky said...

Super group Joan. I love the shot of the moon with the leaves. I must try that.
That fungus looks like elephant poo. LOL

Unknown said...

Those moon shots are great, Joan! I really love the one with the leaves in front of it. :o) Hope you've had a great weekend!

Craig Glenn said...

Great moon shot Joan! Always a joy to see your critters as well. I have a lovely spider for you when you get up so come over and take a look.

Your biggest fan,

Craig Glenn

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

You are welcome Juan. The photographs you take are really stunning.

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

Thanks Diane. I keep on trying to get something decent too but without much luck. :)

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

LOL!! You should know by now all things I post are kind of weird Gaelyn. :)

Hope you gave Mike the kiss and a hug for me? :)

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

You did not know I had that kind of talent did you Andrea. :)

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

You are so right Andrea, yet I keep on trying but it does not get much better than this especially with just the 300mm. :)

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

This is a very funny plant Jose, more of the creeper kind and ery small too. Most unusual!!

Well you have to give me "A" for trying to get decent shots but I never succeed. LOL!!

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

LOL!! I thought it was cow poo at first Becky. :)

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

Thanks Krista. When I am in the bush, it is always a good weekend!! :)

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

Thanks My Greatest Fan!! I will go and look at your lovely spider. There was one in my room the other night who was just about ready to eat me, it was HUGE and so aggressive. I found out it is poisonous too. Unfortunately it was too dark to get pictures of so I am hoping it will come back so I can catch it.:)

Rambling Woods said...

I like the shots of the moon. I can't get a decent one at all. I am getting to know the new house spider occupants. They seem to seek me out frequently...Michelle

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

There was a huge one here again last night but I cannot catch it to take pictures ad it is a beauty.

Gaelyn said...

I most certainly DID pass along your birthday kiss and hug to Mike.

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

LOL!! Thanks my friend!! :)