For the identification of insects and other fauna and flora of South Africa.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Due to the fact that I am now building up too many pictures and not getting to post them, I am going to have to go back to doing a blog every day or else I will have to stop taking pictures for a few months. :)

So starting tomorrow, it will be back to normal for me. I hope I am going to find the time for everything I am trying to do. LOL!! Anyone have some spare hours they can pass over to me? LOL!!


troutbirder said...

You could send some to me so I could do some pretend South Africa trips! Here we've had rain, cold and floods for over a week. I stay trapped in the house with no pictures to take. :)

Diane said...

Joan I know the feeling, there are never enough hours in the day and even less at night!! People ask me what do I do all day............ Diane

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I was just commenting yesterday with another blogger that we need more time. blogging is time consuming, plus the time to take the photos, to decide which to use, to think of what to write. its a full time job. so we can't spare any hours for you to use, but we can spare to look at what you post. i am watching the slide show of the lions and it is taking my breath away. i adore big cats,

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

Poor you Ray!! And you are still going into winter soon too. You are such a good writer you should do some stories in chapters we can follow. That would not need pictures and a good way to spend time indoors. :)

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

I agree Diane. Time seems to fly by every day and at the end you look back and try to see what you have accomplished and find nothing tangible. At least you have been painting and preserving all the fruit and vegetables from your garden so you have something to show for it.

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

You are right Sandra. I find the processing of the pictures the most time consuming of all.

I did a few post on the lions and they are in Natures World of Wonder if it is of interest to you. Lots of great info with them too which you might enjoy.

Jo said...

Oh Joan, I cannot wait to see more posts and photos on your blog. Nope, sorry like Sandra, I find a lot of my time taken up with taking photos, processing them, deciding what to use, writing a post and then visiting other blogs takes up what time I have here in the Sudan! Have a great weekend, Greetings from Jo, North Africa

Gaelyn said...

Sure wish I could help you out with your time problem but like everyone else I have none to spare. There just aren't enough hours in a day. Can we change that somehow? ;) Yet I do look forward to more of your posts and photos.

I'm off to see condors released today, then tomorrow starts a three-day weekend for Mike's birthday and we're going to Toroweap.

Wendy said...

I wish I could Joan, but I barely have time to blog, I need those hours!! Hehe :)

Unknown said...

Hi Joan! I have the same *problem* if you could call it that. So many photographs, so little time! I am so backlogged I am still posting photos from July, and some from my Mexico trip in April. I have just come to admit to myself that I will be a six-weeks-behind blogger. LOL! Hang in there... we, your faithful followers, will be patient I promise! :o)

Craig Glenn said...

sure! let me know what I can do for you!

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

Thanks Jo. I think it is okay for people who have retired and have nothing else to do but when one still works and has so many things to do, I am really hard pressed for time and end up having 4 hours of sleep at night. :)

Hope you are having a good weekend too. :)

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

I think we need to invent something so that we do not need sleep anymore Gaelyn. :) After all, what a waste of time it is.

Your trip and days off sound wonderful. When is Mikes birthday? Be sure to give him a kiss from me too please.

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

LOL!! Thanks Wendy. A pity you cannot help with some hours but I understand. :)

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

Thats not half bad Krista, some of mine go back to more than a year!! LOL!!

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

Here is my order Craig:
1. Each day must be 4 hours longer.
2. Christmas must come twice a year (you can cut out the birthdays for this one. LOL!!)
3. Take away winter and make it spring all year long.
4. Tell me the wining numbers for next weeks Lottery.