For the identification of insects and other fauna and flora of South Africa.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Outdoor Show - Part 4

We almost never wear sneakers, instead, go for sturdy boots like these.
There was a wonderful display of hand made knives on display although what anybody would do with them nowdays, is anyones guess.
Outside, I stopped to admire this beautiful motorbike someone had parked there.
Nopw this is more my style. A golf cart to use for game viewing. Lets us just hope that there are no lions around!! :)
I wanted to take more pictures of the fishing gear for Tom and TB but the displayes seemed so ordinary to me and I am sure that there was nothing new there which you do not have in the USA. I did see this nice kayak and thought it a great idea as it even has place to keep your can of beer safe from toppeling over. :)
There was a pond erected in the centre of the displays where they were giving demonstrations on how to go about catching carp. Withing a few minutes, this young boy had caught one so there must be something in it.


Birdy Official said...

This is an extraordinary show, particularly for me. Never participate in show like this. The golf cart is painted very beautifully. We are still using these types of knives in our houses.

Diane said...

You would not be able to buy knives like that in the UK! The kids would soon have a use for them. Some schools now check all students on arrival to see there are no knives on them. Why do you think I want to leave the UK? Diane

Jo said...

What a lovely show, Joan. Very different. I wonder that the young lady balances so well in her fishing vessel. Thanks for your visit over at my blog. Blessings. In His service, Jo

Gaelyn said...

Some of those knives are really cool looking, as a collector.

So I guess you must have stocked up here for your current adventure.

Mary said...

I could use some of the sturdy hiking long as they made my knee feel OK. I think I might want a little more speed than that golf cart if a lion showed up!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I wear sandals, flip flops or go barefooted. no boots here. i just noticed the owl in flight on side bar. Wow.

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

I think because so much of our lives and activities are based on the outdoors that shows like this are common here Birdy. We have such beautiful weather for most of the year with snow in only a few parts of SA for a few weeks in the winter.

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

I read and hear about the problems in the schools Diane and I just shake my head. Some of it has started here too I am sorry to say so schools are having to put in video and surveillance cameras. What is this world coming to??? Is the UK any worse than other parts of the world? I see pretty bad things happening all over the world now and sometimes it is better the devil you know than the one you dont know.

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

Thanks Jo. Some people are just blessed with good balance I think. :) But then we all have something we do well don't we? :)

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

I have had a Buck knife from the USA for many years now Gaelyn and it goes all over with me. I loved this collection though and if I did not have mine, would have bought on of these. They were beautiful and are definitely collectors items.

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

Most of the terrain is so rugged here, one cannot go without these kind of shoes which supports the ankle Mary. They are heavy though and take some getting used to but once you do, they are SO comfortable. :)

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

I think we have too many biting or sting things here Sandra even in the town areas, not to mention thorns!! Most of our indigenous trees have them so we need something which is closed most of the time.

I took that owl shot at a show last year and as it was the first time I had done that kind of photography, I was quite pleased with how they came out. The series is called "Montecasino Bird Show" if you want to see them better by enlarging them.

Rambling Woods said...

Those are some knives Joan....

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

I liked them too. There is nothing better than something like this which has been lovingly made by a craftsman.

Andrea said...

The red Harley Davidson is really great.
This model has just one small problem:as you saw it's very long,and it's not so easy to curve.
Anyway very good for your Country as you have many straight roads :)

Craver Vii said...

Some of my young friends collect knives. They're good kids, but they love the feel of a good knife, and enjoy carrying them while camping. I want to buy one for my 11 yr-old.

Throwing knives are fun, but noisy.

Is that fishing boy standing in an inflatable??

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

I have never driven one of those long ones Andrea but I can imagine the problem. They look so nice and comfortable though.

LOL!! You are right about the roads, especially in the Cape!!

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

Gosh, I have not thrown a knif for years and years!! That brings back lots of memories Craver. Having a knife is always handy but I guess today, the children use it for things they were not meant to.

Yes it is an inflatable and I was amazed at how steady it was. The ones they used to make were never so rigid. I went white water rafting on some and if you did not sit in the middle, it would keep on flipping you off!! LOL!!

Craver Vii said...

I was impressed that he could stand in it, but more surprised that an inflatable would be used for fishing. I'd be afraid of piercing the boat with a fish hook.

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

LOL!! If you are as bad a fisherman as I am Craver, that would be my first worry too. :) I must say that water was quite wavy too and he still stayed uprigh. Me? I would have been overboard at the first roll. LOL!!