For the identification of insects and other fauna and flora of South Africa.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Walk 18/4 - Part 4

A while back I did a post how this amazing Fire Plant was used to make light in years gone by.
Now, I found it in bloom and it has such a pretty flower. There was a tiny bug hiding away on the bottom petal but I did not notice it until I got the pictures on the computer.
These leave were interesting to me. They grow in very rocky places and the back of them has almost like tenticles that they use to secure themselves in place as there is nowhere for roots.
Over another hill and the path starts to go down hill at last - or is it again? There have been so many. :)
A pretty wild flower which looks almost like a Sweetpea.
A skipper fluttered onto a nearby plant. It looks like the Borbu gemella Twin Swift.
Turning a corner I saw this lump of something and went to investigate.....
It was about 6 inches in height and turned out to be a ball of caterpillars. Hundreds of them it seems!! It looks like they might be of the Cabbage White butterfly.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

you find THE most intersting things to photograph. I have never seen that many catepillars in one spot. amazing to me. I like the plant more than the flower on the fire tree. that is some pretty foliage it has.

Gaelyn said...

Another amazing walk Joan. Can't believe you missed a bug on a plant. But you certainly made up for it with the caterpillar mass.

troutbirder said...

Beautiful blue flower. Reminds me of what we call a harebell.

Birdy Official said...

Thanks Joan for sharing these fantastic pictures from your adventure. The blue and white flowers pictures are my favorite. Enlarged the caterpillars pictures, but I don't thing they're the cats of cabbage white butterfly.

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

Thanks Sandra. I am always finding things which are interesting to me but never know what appeals to other so I am pleased you tell me what you like Sandra.

That fre plant is interesting in its uses but I agree, the flower is not very interesting.

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

Thanks Gaelyn. Sometime I am so interested in one thing I miss another and only see it when I get it on the computer. LOL!!

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

Thanks Ray. Do you have a picture of it? I like to compare things and sometimes find we have the same but just call it by different names.

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

Thanks Birdy. Any ideas on them? The picture which I used for identification was so small I could not be sure about it so any info you can add I would be pleased for. Also, might nit they be slightly different in the various countries? I would love to have your input on things like this.

SKIZO said...

Thank you for sharing
This fabulous work with us
Good creations

Anonymous said...

Wow, you have Cabbage Whites too? They must be everywhere as we have them.

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

Thanks for visiting and commenting Skizo.

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

Birdy from India has posted them too Steve so I guess they stretch pretty far over the globe.

Becky said...

More goodies Joan.
Love that Skipper. I don't see them here.
That purple flower is so pretty.

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

Thanks Becky. For some reason I do not see skippers often either. I wonder why that is? Maybe not enough of them?

Rambling Woods said...

Your skippers look like our skippers and are so touch to ID...You have such an eye for detail.....

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

Thanks Michelle. I so seldom see any.