For the identification of insects and other fauna and flora of South Africa.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Grandfather's Pipe

Sorry, but I could not resist posting this interesting looking flower and knew the pattern on the flower would make a good Mystery. :)

This is a very olde worlde plant and I do not see it in the shops anymore and it is Aristolochia durior and as a child we were told it was called 'Grandfathers Pipe' or 'Dutchmens Pipe.

This is a most interesting flower on a creeper. The flowers are as big as a dinner plate.
At the back it has this sack from which it gets its name.
Insects are very attracted to it and are always buzzing around for the sweet nectar in the center especially moths. This is a fast growing creeper originates in Brazil. It likes areas of high summer rainfall and is easily propagated from seed and is evergreen.

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